Session Start: Sun Jun 07 23:01:24 1998 to Wait: We're herrrrreeeeeeee Arianis? Already? Just checking... * Admiral-Lilwall enters section 10 of deck four, with his weapon ready in hand No offense, but that Dark Star gives me the creeps * Stardrives_Head follows Lil. He doesn't say much of anything unless he leaves the ship That makes four birds on the ship? We really nead to recruit more females Waitstate Hey, we put out the notices, and we get who volunteers Any luck getting the scanners back online in these sections Stardrive? * Scamp takes a consul Not yet. Computer interface seems to be screwed... Wait? Can you look at it? Checking * Waitstate appears to go offline * Blacknife waves hand in front of Wait Wait? Eh... you gonna have the Matrix pop out or something? * Admiral-Lilwall turns down into another corridor [voice comes from computer speaker] Hmm.. there DOES seem to be some sort of blockage along the relays... Told you. * Ruse pours oil on Waitstate hehe Wait till he wakes up * Ruse puts the can of oil in Waistate's hand hehe time for me to take a console :) [voice comes from computer speaker] Lay off my body you guys * Ruse sits at a consul [voice comes from computer speaker] This is some complicated stuff... Hmm, some meditator :) Hmmmm...I wonder if a have a feather grenade to go with that oil [voice comes from computer speaker] *makes sound as if he's exerting great effort* There! I'm through! * Lightning- looks over the bots fooling around with disgust Ok ol' Waitstate, identify for me who is *really* on this deck with me [voice comes from computer speaker] Check the scanners now... I've cleared out most of the blocking code let's see... * Blacknife goes back to the helm... Hmm, not a very high tech ship if it can't detect a simple intruder now is it? How's the lighting down there, Lil.. it's looking kinda dim... * Waitstate flashes a rude message to Scamp's console [comm] nothing asking you to stay on board Scamp Well, that wasn't very proper now was it * Admiral-Lilwall hears noises coming form an unoccipied quarters ahead :( I think... I see... someone about 10 meters away, a bot... wings... by the shape of the head... it must be Vanadis. what the hell is she doing on this deck? Wait: Can you clear the scanners the rest of the way? [voice comes from computer speaker] I'm working on it... It's clearing up... [voice comes from computer speaker] Ok... it'll be a bit fuzzy around the edges until I can dump the code and restore from the back up. But I've done all I can It looks like she's trying to hide... she must know you're here. Well that makes things even more interesting * Blacknife looks at the oil on Waitstate's body....then at ShadowPaw...and grins.. hmmm Get the confetti :) confetti timeee? * Waitstate floods Bk's quarters with industrial lubricant You are all pathetic! You disgust me, here have a potential situation and you only make fools of yourselfs and your commander! Sorry Shall I float ahead and try to distract her, Lil? Lightning... go strike a tree somewhere You should be you simple minded Autobot take your foolishness off the bridge I thought we agree never to call each other by our former factions we make fools of ourselves? [glances at Blackknife and Ruse] I didn't know that.... *smiles through her mouth plate* Fine, I know when I'm not wanted [voice comes from SD's console speaker] Do you need me in here any longer? I need to break these guys up * Ruse leave UH OH... Good idea Stardrive, I'll see what she was up to while you've got her attention [to others] Will you shut up, SOME bots are WORKING here! It's ok now, Wait. Bots, ech * Shadowpaw glares at Blacknife * Stardrives_Head floats ahead of Lil. * Waitstate's body wakes up Wha? * Drill_Master takes Ruse's console * Blacknife shrugs * Waitstate wipes the oil off himself sorry about the oil, Wait... How's it going Stardrive? I'm at the door... hold on, I have to figure out how to open the door... * Stardrives_Head grows an arm You're a holo Stardrive, float through the door * Waitstate closes his eyes... "Door's open" * Stardrives_Head loses the arm and quickly enters the door. If only Dark Star were here He'd know what to do He's a spiritualist you know :) That's odd... she's not doing anything... Wait a minute... * Stardrive works at his console. What? *arrives in the room * Stardrives_Head emits a beam at Vanadis... Vanadis' image distorts. A hologram It's a HOLOGRAM! But why would there be a hologram.....? It's a holo, Wait! probably so the real bot, who ever it is, could escape * Blacknife taps fingers well shouldn't we seal off the exits or something? Wait? yes They are already Oh goody Lightning, lock down all airlocks and launch areas already done good only way out of this deck is through....the floor, ceiling or conduit tubes * Drill_Master tosses Waitstate a rag and I'm guessing they are long gone for the obvious of course :) Well whoever it was that set up the holo of Vanadis, and altered the identification circiuts and took out the scanners won't be here anymore Well, because of the lack of scanners in quarters... I can't tell who's here and who's not. already done There are presence scanners in AB's quarters though Most likly hers and her plants I thought you were on your way down there. The problem is, since we've been looking at a holo... the bot we're looking for could be ANYONE! Eh, that word still bothers me Well I had a look at what whoever it was was trying to do What did you see? and I'm afraid I can't tell much, looks like we interrupted them just before they began * Waitstate goes offline and checks the computers in the area that was being worked on Well I'm heading back, I don't think we'll have another chance to figure anything out until something else happens [voice comes from computer speaker] Wait! Ive found a memory module in the console... bring it to the bridge You got it * Blacknife quickly tosses something under SP uh oh.... * Admiral-Lilwall takes the module and heads back to the bridge * Blacknife watches as a little flag just comes out with the LONAC emblem hehehe * Shadowpaw spins around in her chair and glares at BK * Stardrive resists the urge to shoot them both. Well a least that one you don't have to clean up TWICE * Blacknife grins maniacally * Shadowpaw growls * Scamp mumbles * Shadowpaw picks up the grenade and pulls out the flag and waves it around Man, for a possible emergency this is a rather boring situation ooh look at the flag being waved around... For someone who is so boooored why do you insist on staying? Good point We like our emergencies relaxed. * Scamp leaves and heads to entertainment deck * Scamp sticks his head back on deck Want me to send Diamond Fire up here? * Shadowpaw says to herself "you are in my power... when I snap my fingers you will act like -- an antelope * Shadowpaw waves the flag in front of her face and snaps her fingers * Admiral-Lilwall enters bridge and passes the memory module to Stardrive oh it didn't work..... * Stardrive studies the module. Not standard ship's equipment. * Blacknife snaps fingers hm...let me see that * Lightning observes the module * Stardrive shows it to Lightning. This is Decepticon technology *sigh* It is? Hmm, it would appear you are right Lightning damn :/ Yes, very common * Shadowpaw reacts to Blacknife's snapping of fingers and prances around the bridge like a antelope... We should consider the recent Decepticon attack and this 'incident' are related not surprising, the Decepticons seemed more advanced more advanced than what? Everything * Blacknife gets out a hunting rifle aside from the quints maybe >:) I wouldn't say that Oh? But you were never a Decepticon Or is there something you're not telling us about yourself? * Blacknife aims and... another flag comes out Indeed they were was rarely shown unless it suited purpose No, but I do know computers. I've never actually gotten to see a 'Con setup. but I do know they aren't the best out there You'd be surprised But I won't argue now We've got more important things to worry about Perhaphs it was being used to transmit our locations? * Blacknife snaps fingers Possibly, I find it odd that attack force knew our location * Shadowpaw stops prancing and sits down at her console I agree Unless one of us failed to sever their ties with the Decepticons we've made no secret of our location. We filed a flight plan when we left Devron last week *death stares Drill Master* Maybe we should gather all former Decepticons? What's gotten you Lightning Who else was formerly a decepticon... Vanadis... Afraid I've blown your cover? Lets not turn this into a witch hunt(as the Terrans say) here... perfect choice for the holo Myself and Scamp were both Decepticons this is all starting to slot into place... You're right I think you forget -I- have been HERE the whole time... YOU have not Oh really? Now what are you suggesting? I hardly qualify, in this case. I suggest only what YOU did just now upon me I suppose you have a point Can it you guys, I'm sick of the in-house fighting that's been going on recently Let's stop this bickering and try to locate the enemy Cool yourselves for a while Agreed * Drill_Master looks back at his console do the sensors show ANY unaccounted for presences on the ship? I don't detect a thing As for locating the enemy, I don't think there's much else we can do until another incident occurs Where did you say Vanadis was? Vanadis is off ship Ah Well then, I believe all are accounted for For how long? Scamp is in the holo deck, Ruse is in his quarters as is Diamond Fire in hers she's visiting friends on Cybertron. We won't rendevouz with her again for several weeks Friends. I see * Admiral-Lilwall gives Waitstate the *time for a senior crew meeting* look * Waitstate gives Lil a *now?* look Did someone call? * Shadowpaw gives BK a "what's all these looks for?" look * Admiral-Lilwall gives the *NOW* look SD, Lil, Artific... conference room Time for the head cheeses to meet See... * Stardrives_Head disappears. * Blacknife gives SP the *told ya so* look What's going on? * Shadowpaw gives BK the *you did not* look * Shadowpaw waits for the *did too!* look from BK * Admiral-Lilwall turns to the rest of the bridge "NO ONE muck about, got it? Lightning take the bridge." *follows the others into the conference room* * Waitstate and the others arrive in the conference room * Lightning nods * Admiral-Lilwall takes a seat "We should consider ALL previous Decepticons in this matter What is the purpose of this meeting? * Blacknife doesn't give the *did too* look * Artifice takes a seat I dont like the way this is going. not at all * Stardrive sits. * Shadowpaw glares at BK and gives the *you're meant to give the *did too* look now* look * Lightning gives everyone on the bridge a *shut up and do your job* look I agree, if their is a chance that one of the former cons is still a Con Body language is such slag * Shadowpaw gives Lightning the *yes sir!* look An infiltrator possibly? Then we can't afford to not consider the situation fully why? what can they gain from us? I say it is very possible Heh I -trust- Lightning. I know him. I don't really know the rest yet. They feel uncomfortable with us Anything that is not Decepticon is a threat Vanadis and Lighting I trust to an extent to the Decepticons of course As Wait said, I know them better than the ohters Well, I dont' trust any one on this ship I suppose. The question is, who's the spy? especially the Cons but that could mean nothing It could But can we take that chance? I am not sure I trust Vanadis anymore. I doubt she is our infiltraitor, if there is one. But I don't trust her Who? Don't know yet....the answer I want is WHY? I admit, I know little about anyone on this ship Lil: That is an excellent question We're turning against ourselves now. Even moreso than usual. :) Maybe that's what they want. But if Decepticon technology is here, the Decepticons planted it What does Lonac have that someone else could want? Weapons perhaps? I can't imagine. Technology? Artifice: or it could be there to throw us off. we just don't know That is true, but we must consider all possiblities Good point. We have nothing of any extrordinary value on board. Perhaps everyone should be under questioning What if someone planted it to make us think it was the Decepticons? Weapons? I doubt it....what else is there? I don't see anyone wanting our Disk Transformer Tech What about the ship itself? maybe they want the ship I doubt it The ship IS top-of-the-line The Decepticons can build a ship whenever they want Perhaps they want the Drive tech. And probably better suited to their needs Why is that? The drive tech is common enough Ah hah space fold technology and decepticons do NOT mix What if. . . Lil: oh? easier take over of the galaxy I follow they could go anywhere whenever they wanted There is a group of rouge Decepticons that are trying to start their own army? unopposed What if there is a group of rouge Decepticons that are trying to start their own army? It's happened before Not another one of THOSE... Just what the universe needs... And the LSS Freedom would be a good start for a ship Then we interveiw all random Geez... out of dock for under a year and we already have an infiltraitor/spy... It was bound to happen sooner or later I was hoping for later As was I better now with a small crew Yes hmm can you imagine interveiwing a ship full of possibilities? Dark Star asked for leave when this whole mess started Good point, but I don't know enough about him to give an opinion I would say it's unlikely that he could be involved I'll start interviews tomorrow He was never even a Transformer A real one anyhow I truly doubt Dark Star even has enough interest in LONAC to pose a specific threat That's true, he's only here as a safe haven Artifice, I think it would be a good start if you contact your.... 'contacts' and see if there's any news about the Decepticon's going around And his troops are here I don't think it would be DS, though... he makes no attempt to blend in... not good technique for a spy. That's true too Dark Star is an outsider Good idea Admiral and that could also be the perfect cover for a spy Stardrive Well, when Dark Star comes back we can chat over some tea * Lightning to Waitstate He's the first one we suspect... great plan. But for now I'm going to check my contacts Go ahead Lightning I'm losing power to all ship's weapons Oh great Now what? What's the cause? unknown I'm on my way Seems to me someone servered them manually * Waitstate hurries up to the bridge Ok.. what happened? There was no power distortions registered that would suggest a blow fuse I have conducted a long range scan, there are no other ships near us though Hmm * Admiral-Lilwall enters the bridge And the scanners picked up nothing on-ship? * Stardrive enters the bridge. Not a thing nothing on board, and nothing within a 2 light year radius So how was the pep talk? Just fine but we have a situation now * Waitstate checks the sensors... They're all functioning perfectly... I suggest we pan out and check all decks manually * Admiral-Lilwall lists the location of all crew members on his screen where is the power disruption located? hard to tell...something is blocking computer pathways...but I am guessing an unoccupied quarters on deck 7 There is obviously something on board our scanners can't pick up A manual check could be more useful this is what we get for not having an engineering or security staff... -I'm- going to deck 7 Not alone you're not Scamp is already on deck 6 I'll contact him ok... Lil, with me. Stardrive has the bridge * Blacknife looks and waits DM: No, dont contact him * Waitstate heads to the 'lift Artifice, you're coming too Will do * Artifice follows * Admiral-Lilwall enters the lift also *the lift doors close* deck 7 * Stardrive sits in the big comfy chair. * Waitstate turns to Lil So, you're gonna bring everyone we trust with us? * Shadowpaw turns to Stardrive "What happens if this -- thing -- comes to the bridge? No one is assigned quarters on Deck 7 What thing? *sarcastic look* the thing what Wait and co are looking for then we blast it! anyway... deck 7 is mostly engineering. We probably wouldn't know it if we saw it. good point, Stardrive *lift stops at deck 7 and the doors open* * Admiral-Lilwall to Bridge, can you get an exact location on deck 7 where the disturbance is coming from? * Waitstate exits the lift * Admiral-Lilwall takes out his laser rifle and follows Wait * Waitstate pulls out his beamsabre * Artifice readies his blades Bridge? can we get a location? I detect three life forms That would be you guys But that's just it nothing more What about anomolous energy signatures? Nope no definite fix, but someone in the area of Engineering A and the quarters section * Stardrive wanders back to the Communications station. * Waitstate pulls out a hand scanner *to Arti and Wait* Helpful... I'll go this way *turns to the right* hm... there is a dampening field... that explains it [comm to wait] I hear movement about 50 meters from your position. I've set this for short range, high power scan... Got it! But the video feed is out. this way * Waitstate heads toward and adjacent compartment * Stardrive returns to the comfortable chair. * Waitstate enters the room and sees the back of an unknown Cybertronian Who are you? * Admiral-Lilwall follows and points his weapon at the form * Waitstate is thrown back against the wall as the mysterious figure explodes! Answer now! * Waitstate is knocked unconscious Waitstate? * Admiral-Lilwall gets knocked to the ground by a large piece of debris Explosion detected on deck 7! * Artifice gets hit but nothing serious Artifice to bridge uhh that hurt, damage? * Waitstate appears to be seriously injured hm, not good We need help Send a med team to deck 7. * Admiral-Lilwall to Restore, get down to my position immediatly, Waitstate is wounded * Lightning to Restore... I know, I know Oh great, I've got debris stuck in my shoulder Artifice, try and see if you can get Waitstate conscious, I'll see what our visitor was up to * Overwrite arrives Waitstate? You in there? Oh my goodness! What happened? * Restore also arrives Explosion stand back! knocked him out * Waitstate, unconscious, cannot respond * Restore scans Waitstate Is he ok? no. Artifice, Overwrite, help me get him to med bay I'll get this end. . . I can't lift him... lemme go get help * Overwrite runs off Damn, whatever this guy was doing it's slagged, Overwrite wait! Why he didn't ask me to help I dunno *heads over to Waitstate and gives assistence * Recoil lifts Waitstate ok let's go already I got 'im *grunts* Lets go * Recoil heads to a lift * Restore follows to the lift What is taking them so long? Stardrive, get a tech head down here, I need some equipment checked out * Recoil and Restore enter the lift get us to the Medbay *the lift starts moving* Artifice go and get yourself fixed up and assist Restore if needed Will do Admiral Overwrite, help me pick up this guy's left overs for analysis Ok... what a mess... * Blacknife looks at the forward screen Junky, I want you to find out what our multi pieced friend here was doing at this terminal Lossie, lossie, what have you done now? Oh slag * Admiral-Lilwall assists Overwrite He's dead, Jim. * Junky_LaFord inspects the wreakage. *to Junky* is any infomation salavagable from the terminal? * Recoil arrives in the Medbay and sets Wait down onto a bed * Restore exits the lift and heads for med bay uhh... is he gonna be alright? * Junky_LaFord downloads a minute amount of information from the terminal into a data clip. [to comm] HEY did you guys get lost in your own ship? Satisfaction gaurenteed... except where prohibited by law. * Junky_LaFord hands over the data clip. * Junky_LaFord attempts to fix the damage. * Blacknife looks around the bridge * Junky_LaFord retrives his tool kit. The ten-in-one turbo ratchet... fits standard and metric... * Blacknife sits at the helm... Session Close: Mon Jun 08 06:06:28 1998