Session Start: Sat Aug 07 22:09:01 1999 * Blacknife returns from 'shore leave' * Terrafirma presses the entry buzzer on Stardrive's quarters * Shadowstrike sits on the bridge, bored. * Dead_Lift's arm begins to move * Stardrive answers the door. uhhh.... * Blacknife enters his quarters and ponders thoughtfully [comm to Bridge] I'm taking a shuttle down to the surface * Dead_Lift slowly sits up and looks around Ah good, you're in may I come in? [comm to Diablo] acknowledged. take care. * Artifice makes his way to the bridge Sure. * Diablo goes to shuttle bay * Terrafirma steps inside and finds a seat Just don't mind the mess... [comm to bridge] I'd like to enter yes, I noticed that. No worry :) * Terrafirma sits down [comm to Artifice] Well, then, come in. * Dead_Lift gets up off the examiation table and heads for the door * Artifice enters * Blacknife sharpens his blades then stores them and heads for the bridge * Stardrive's quarters are more or less packed with doo-dads, gadgets, and general crap from across the galaxy heh, wasn't sure if I was on the bridge access list, I didn't show up on the list I've spoken with Waitstate What did he have to say? * Dead_Lift leaves Med bay and heads down the corridor I guess you should speak with Wait about that. Have fun on shore leave? Yeah, shore leave was fine * Blacknife enters the bridge He gave me the spot in the Plaza I was after. We should be able to move in post haste :) Hello, Blacknife. Too many weirdos on the planet * Blacknife gives a stoic nod Hey Blacknife Hey Arty What sort, Artifice? Not too much demand for it, I suppose. ;) * Terrafirma smiles Not as yet, no it's nice to relax on this ship for once without worrying about something breaking down Or someone * Shadowstrike chuckles. * Dead_Lift enters the landing bay * Diablo arrives in the Shuttle Bay, and opens the door and starts up a shuttle the sort I don't like It's too quiet around here. * Dead_Lift watches Diablo pass by I'd actually like to see how well that new deck of the ship is coming New Deck? what's it supposed to be called again? We're in orbit, how much excitement should there be? well, newly furnished I was hoping you could help me out with the general construction Well, anything else new around here? Not really. Not really * The shuttle leaves, and heads to the planets surface * Dead_Lift transforms to lift mode, and rolls into a corner of the bay I suppose... How's Dead Lift doing? * FreeFall flies through the air, staying close to the astmosphere Dead Lift will be fine Good. Dead Lift? What happened to him while I was gone? Something went awry with him and he collapsed. * Dead_Lift transfoms back, and opens his chest. Them...or me. Them...or me... * Blacknife shakes his head * Waitstate enters a small bar in a back alley Odd Me. Any good shops on the surface, Artifice? * Dead_Lift walks over the bay doors and opens them. * Waitstate sits at the bar and orders a drink * Waitstate is amused by this * FreeFall flies throguh the air, dodging frozen peacs * With his chest open, Dead Lift reaches for the beacon in his chest and rips it out, causing sparks to fly from him. * Dead_Lift uses his last bit of energy to toss the beacon out the door, before falling out himself. * Shadowstrike notices something on one of the consoles... Tri, why are the bay doors open? This is New Iceland Air Control. Freefall, you've been instructed not to go out without a flightplan. You want to be fined? again? * FreeFall grumbles "Yes captain hotpants...." Blacknife, why are the bay doors open? I heard that you corroded diode I don't know... didn't Diablo just leave? A while ago. The doors should've cycled shut by now. * FreeFall growls "I have a flight plan, captain hotpants" * Chameleon and Powerplay watch from the surface as the Shuttle lands* It would rather help if you filed them with the proper authority though You suppose? You seemed somewhat excited last time we spoke * FreeFall laughs "You can tell the proper authorities to go suck a scraplet" * Blacknife checks the doors Blacknife...? on it Dead Lift is there... * the now loose beacon flashes brightly twice, then fades out What's he doing there? [comm] Dead Lift what the slag are you doing? Trying to cast yourself out to space? I think the idea of the shop is great... but I was planning on... a trip. [comm to Dead Lift] What's going on? Why are the bay doors open? * Diablo leaves the shuttle and catches upto Cham and Powerplay A long one, maybe. Ok, fine then. I've filed a request to have your flight license revoked. Have a nice day. * `FreeFall growls "The only way to stop me is to clip my wings, captain hotpants" ahhh slag this * Trader-Bot meets up with Diablo * Blacknife leaves the bridge to head for Dead Lift's location [comm to Dead Lift] Dead Lift, respond? hm... what kind of trip? This won't interfere with the inital supply preperation, will it? Hey guys, aren't you from that LONAC crew? I don't know how long I'll remain to supply you with the energon snacks... that's why I offered you the recipes. * Blacknife prepares a blade just in case * Dead_Lift's comm responds with nothing but static Yeah, why? Yeah, anyways, I was trying to find Snake-Eyes [comm to Blacknife] All I'm getting from him is static... She used to run a shop here, but I heard she's with you guys now * FreeFall lands at a back alley bar, walking in and getting a drink any idea how I can get to her? I'm not leaving immediatly. I assume the store will be well in business before I go. maybe a comm link to the mother ship or something? oh, well that's a relief * Blacknife runs quicker Yeah, in the shuttle, follow me * Waitstate finished his drink. "Not bad... could be better." * Waitstate has another great * Chameleon walks over to the shuttle* * Trader-Bot follows Diablo and gang * Blacknife reaches Dead Lift's location * FreeFall sits next to Waitstate "Ah, you just gotta get used to the sludge they sell WHAT THE SLAG IS GOING ON?!!! [comm to BK] What's going on down there? * Stardrive looks around. * Blacknife notes Dead Lift is floating in space Uh-oh. It isn't too bad really. I just usually make my own :) * Stardrive seems to zone out for a moment. [comm] Dead Lift is out the door ....literally * FreeFall nods, putting his hand out to Wait "Name's FreeFall" [comm] Slag! Can you get him in, or are you going to need backup? [comm to bridge] We've got some local here who wants to visit Snake-Eyes * Waitstate returns the handshake Err, hi. Waitstate [comm to Diablo] We've got a minor problem, that's going to have to wait a cycle. [comm] he looks Damaged since I see sparks going off... so I'll assume backup * Trader-Bot grabs the comm [comm to bridge] I'll take that as a yes, I'll be right up Can you excuse me... I think I'd better visit the shuttlebay... * FreeFall sips his drink "Damn air control, revoke MY license....damn I wish I could get of this iceball..." [comm to Diablo] NEGATIVE. Thanks gang, you don't know how much this means to me * Trader-Bot leaves * Trader-Bot enters his shuttle and takes off * Blacknife exits out and transforms [comm to Stardrive] If you don't mind, BK needs some help in the shuttle bay. DL's gone haywire agian. Oh? Why're they revoking your license? and which license is that? * Stardrive runs out the door. * Blacknife jets towards DL This is what I get for saying it's too quiet... * Shadowstrike notes the shuttle. [Comm] Um....I just took the shorter route... Uh, Tri? Raise that shuttle... I told Diablo... * Stardrive flies out the lanchbay doors. Cham, you and Powerplay take the shuttle and get back there will ya ok * Blacknife shoots a grappling hook towards Dead Lift * Trilana makes an attempt. You slaggin idiot grab on * Chameleon and Powerplay enter the shuttle and follow the local* * Stardrive flies around BK. * Terrafirma sits back and sighs [comm] Diablo, I told you to hold it. [comm] turn around and go back to the planet. We've got a situation in the bay right now. * Blacknife watches SD accidently snap his line SLAG IT * Stardrive activates a tractor beam and catches Dead Lift. * FreeFall takes another swig of his drink "My flight license, they took it away because whenever I feel like a joyride I have to fill it out in triplicate" [comm] he went up in his shuttle, I've told Cham and Powerplay to follow him Oops. * Trader-Bot hails the LSS Freedom [comm] WHAT? I dunno. Some rules are there for our protection We're beeing hailed. * Blacknife searches for signs of any others * FreeFall laughs "With about 3 people living here? I think not..." I have it. [comm] Shuttle, you do not have access to the bay at this time. Return to the planet. [comm to bridge] no can do, I've gotta get rid of this cargo [comm] Just who do you think you are!? Three? The Cybertonian population here is in the thousands. The organics even more, and I worry about those types [comm to bridge] I'm sure Snake-Eyes can help me out with this stuff [comm to Blacknife] Heads up - possible hostile approaching in a shuttle. * Chameleon jumps out the shuttle, transforms and starts to shoot the Trader shuttle * FreeFall looks at Wait, "Hey, I haven't seen you around before, what are you doing here, and how did you get here?" [comm to shuttle] Negative. I'm warning you, return to the planet. * Trader-Bot's shuttle takes a hit I'm a visitor. Came on my starship. Heh, that's why I sound like the tourist board [comm] look, I just need to get something to Snake-Eyes and I'll be out of your way for good * Powerplay takes the shuttle a safe distance away [comm] Are you deaf? You are NOT going to be able to land right now. Hmmm, you a con? Or a bot? * Chameleon targets the shuttle's engines * Stardrive tows Dead Lift back into the bay and calls for medics. [comm to Cham] Get control of that shuttle, Cham. *now* * Blacknife jets towards shuttle with fully armed [comm] you can arrest me if you want, but there is no way I'm going back down planetside Oh for the love of Vector Sigma... * Stardrive flies back out. [comm to BK and SD] Try not to do much damage... * Chameleon blasts a hole in the shuttle and enters [Comm] awww * Stardrive catches the shuttle in a tractor beam. What is going on here? [comm] I'm on it [comm to BK] unless you want to explain it to Wait! * Blacknife enters the hole in the shuttle * Blacknife draws his swords you're being boarded Look guys, I'm not here to cause you trouble [comm] Way to not cause damage, guys. I'm going to play pin cushion is what is going on if you don't explain yourself right now * FreeFall sips his drink "so whats your afiliate?" * Chameleon takes out the melta and extends his shoulder spikes* [comm to BK and SD] Can you hold the shuttle there? At least until we can get DL out of the bay... You probly havent heard of it. LONAC. [Comm] Sitch under control LONAC? Great, you guys can let me on board now [comm] Copy that. * Stardrive re-aims the shuttle into empty space, cuts the beam, transforms and enters the shuttle through the decorator entrance. Prepare to be melted yep, LONAC League Of Non-Affiliated Cybertronians? I doubt it [comm] Terrafirma, respond? Non-Aligned. Close enough Cham, not yet What is going on here? * Terrafirma looks up, unused to being summoned over comm * Terrafirma taps her comm Hey, why not? Hmmmm, you know that has a nice ring to it when I think of it * Dead_Lift slowly comes around Yes? * Trader-Bot moves over to his cargo arrrghhhh I still... live? Where'd you hear of it? * Blacknife sticks a sword right in Trader-Bot's face Not so fast No one move. [comm to Terrafirma] Can you please retrieve Dead Lift from the shuttle bay? He's had another problem and we've got a shuttle that needs to land... * Trader-Bot sits down * Dead_Lift clutches his chest in pain Has he? I'll be there as soon as possible We get a few tourists out here What is so important? Word gets around [comm to Terra] Copy that. Thanks, Terra. * Blacknife sticks the blade a bit closer * Terrafirma exits SD's quarters, locks the door, and rushes to the shuttlebay * Trader-Bot looks at Blacknife [comm to SD] OK, Terra's on her way to retrieve DL. Sit tight. Speak up bot [to Cham] And why did you put a hole in the shuttle, I could have opened the door with the codes. I just want to get rid of my cargo, I thought your shop keeper might like them cos he's in his own shuttle, that's why What's in it? [comm] Dead Lift to anyone... in it? That's it All this... *indicates the surroundings* for that? * Terrafirma arrives, and hears DL speaking * Trader-Bot points to two tree like things that are rather large [comm] Hold still, DL, Terra's on her way to you. can have 'em if you like Dead Lift? Are you conscious? * Dead_Lift sees Terra enter you won't find any irregularities Unfortunetly, yeah... [comm to Terra] As soon as you get DL out, let me know. Can I land yet or what? * FreeFall finishes his drink "You know, I'm freelance, and being in a league with more freelances... it kinda makes sense" * Chameleon has the Melta targeted at the Trader I'm here to get you to medbay. Can you walk? * Blacknife sticks a sword in the Trader-Bots chair No No, but I might be able to roll... I'm not sure I'd call us "freelancers" per se... No one attack without my say so. * Dead_Lift tries to transform, but gets stuck in midtransformation And if you ask again then you will be my next pin cushion like that chair [comm] Stardrive, is there a problem over there? Oh my... can you get out of that? aw... how embarrassing... * FreeFall grins "Well, do I need a license to fly around?" Those tree things are so gaudy, but I had specific instructions on what to do with them * Dead_Lift tries again, this time reaching vehicle status well, there really isn't much room to fly on our ship * Chameleon shoots and watches as the trader's foot melts onto the floor what the hell is wrong with you, you freak! Well spit it out, what are they? I must speak to Waitstate... As far as I know just trees * FreeFall laughs * Dead_Lift begins to slowly roll for the door He's off ship big decorative trees [comm] Thank you, Terra. oohhh So let's chop some wood and light a bonfire... If I don't speak with him, he may not have a ship to be off of... [comm] Stardrive, have you all got things under control over there? [comm] Look, your goons are causing me a heap of trouble, this would have been over by now if you had just let me land earlier * Blacknife takes out his sword from the chair and gives the trees a nice evil lumberjack glance * Chameleon targets the other foot * FreeFall turns to Wait "You looking for a new member? I'm bored and got nothing tying me down here..." Come on, I'll get you to medbay and we'll see about contacting Waitstate *to Blacknife* try cutting them, they won't cut Alright... [comm] *sigh* I think so. But that depends on Blacknife and Chamelon at this point. * Dead_Lift rolls to medbay Thanks for the info [comm] You listen here. I informed you that you were not cleared to land. Don't try it again. [comm] great Hm... I suppose we could be [comm to Stardrive] DL's clear of the bay - Bring the shuttle in. Tell us what we want to know and you won't get melted to slag * Trader-Bot breaks his foot loose * Blacknife puts blades back and takes out some small explosives [comm to BK] and you hold off. I get first pick on this one. * Blacknife puts them back I told you, let me drop off the stuff and I'll leave you guys alone scan all you like, there's nothing wrong with them [comm to BK] What's he want, anyhow? [comm] I want to land damnit * Dead_Lift's engine keeps cutting out as he drives down the hall * Stardrive pulls out his Verrellian scanner. [Comm] He's here to deliver trees * Stardrive scans. How about I just melt this box and be done with it? [comm].... Trees?! Stand down, Chameleon. [comm] Negative, you can't deposit cargo on the Freedom. * Terrafirma leads DL to a cargo elevator * FreeFall gets another drink, sipping it [comm] it's not just cargo, it's something for Snake-Eyes and her shop Like the Ice Queen said... No [comm] a going away present [comm] I'm sorry. That's how it is. [comm] On second thought... perhaps you should escort him back planetside. [Comm] Can do * Trader-Bot kicks his shuttle into full speed and rams the docking bay doors What the..?! * Chameleon fires at the Traders chest aah! [comm] Blacknife, Stardrive, STOP HIM * Trader-Bot clutches his chest * Stardrive takes over the controls and veers the shuttle away violently. * Trader-Bot dumps the cargo [comm] I thought you two had this under control. * Terrafirma and DL arrive at medbay * Chameleon fires at the traders legs [comm] Bridge, I have Dead Lift in medbay [Comm] Watch those trees! No telling what they actually are! Slag... Seems like I was just here. * FreeFall smiles "Well, Im your man, man" Tri, who's left on board? [comm] well someone wouldn't let me melt him to slag would they hm. I dunno. We've had problems with troublemakers in the past * Trader-Bot transforms to jet mode and blasts a hole in the shuttle * Trader-Bot leaves, despite his injuries Junky, Terra, us, Dead Lift... * Blacknife runs after him * Trader-Bot flies for his cargo, then brings it to the ship Well, I'll try to be on my best behavior... Recoil * Chameleon transforms and follows Slaggin Time [comm to Recoil] Head to the bay. We've got a problem! On my way you do all you like to me, I'm not going to be responsible for this * Blacknife transforms and targets the Trader-Bot [comm to Recoil] Push whatever came out of that shuttle out into space, NOW... * Trader-Bot sends the cargo to the ship * Diablo sees a familiar and unfriendly shape in the distance * Blacknife blasts the cargo I'm not promising -anything-, but I promise I'll get the job done [comm] Blacknife, restrain him... * Recoil runs in, TFs to tank mode, and hits ramming speed * Chameleon shoots at the Trader [comm] Cham, don't kill him. I want him for questioning. * Blacknife notes the case that contains the cargo is destroyed * Dead_Lift transforms back to bot mode with difficulty, then flops onto a table * Blacknife sighs You going to be ok? So do I get the slot? * Shadowstrike paces on the bridge like a caged cat. * Dead_Lift notes the hole in his chest. "No." * Recoil slams into the remains of the cargo and shoves it out of the ship, firing a missile after it to get it further away * Trader-Bot retrieves the cargo and flies away * Chameleon latches onto the trader, transforms and starts melting holes Should I call Restore in from the planet? I need repair bad, I'm shocked that I still live. [comm] Capture him, BK, SD! * Trader-Bot flies around yes... If I live, that means they lied to me... Well, I suppose you could fill out an application. * Blacknife shoots the Trader Bots engines and cripples them [comm to Recoil] Status, Recoil? * Stardrive aims his null rays at Trader * Robed-Bot stands behind Waitstate * Robed-Bot watches * Chameleon melts a hole through the wings * Waitstate pulls out a datapad from seemingly nowhere Damn it, more paper work [Comm] He is most annoying... * Stardrive waits to get a good shot. [comm] and quite dangerous. * Stardrive flies into space. [comm] The stuff is away, but so is the guy [comm] but I want him back here. Call Restore and Wait. It is TOP urgency... * FreeFall takes the data pad, filling it out [comm] sorry, space isn't my thing * Shuttle drifts uselessly away from both the planet and the ship. * Stardrive fires his null rays. [comm] I'm latched onto him, and I'll try and drag him in [comm] Recoil, good. Stand guard there, in case he tries to come in himself. * Trader-Bot struggles helpless as he transforms back to bot mode [comm to Stardrive] You've got him? * Robed-Bot looks at FreeFall * Robed-Bot looks at Wait * Recoil grins big, (though no one can see this since he's in tank mode) and watches for the guy to come back * Blacknife transforms and restrains the Trader Bot by putting a blade right by his neck * Chameleon extends his spikes through the Traders arms MOVE ONCE AND OFF WITH YOUR HEAD * Waitstate speaks up *not turning* You need something? [comm to Waitstate] Listen, I hate to interupt your vacation, but we've got what could be a serious situation up here. Oh, just observing the new recuit Kinda odd, joining LONAC then leaving in the same day * Diablo follows the bot in the shadows my my, you don't have a very good track record, do you Waitstate? pardon me? * Robed-Bot pulls off his hood and brandishes a gun * Waitstate silently radios back that he'll get back as soon as he can I think you guys have something I need * Waitstate swings around, beamsabre in hand, and knocks the gun out of his hand * Xaraxus jumps back and throws off his garments I don't like having weapons pulled on me [comm] SD, copy? Have you got the suspect restrained? * Waitstate silently radios back that HE has a situation now [comm] Um... I guess so. and I don't like you and your little LONAC group [comm] I need you back here, NOW. Wait's in trouble. * FreeFall signs his signature and whaps Xaraxus in the face * Shadowstrike radios to Wait. "Backup?" really now? have we met or something? [comm] What am I going to do THERE? * Waitstate silently radios "PLEASE" * Shadowstrike radios to Wait. "send me your position" Oh come now, you don't remember me? * Waitstate transmits coordinates [comm] JUST GET UP HERE! Wait needs help and I'm en route to the planet. apparently not Surely you remember the whole space station blowing up and such Tri, keep watch. * FreeFall hands Wait the datapad * Dead_Lift gets up your precious little Dark Star sacrificed himself * Shadowstrike leaves the bridge in a hellfire hurry and makes for the shuttle bay Sometimes you just gotta do things yourself. I have no more time for your games where is it? what the slag are you talking about? * Dead_Lift looks through the medical equipment for parts to repair himself with * Shadowstrike opens the bay doors and transforms to shuttle mode, radioing control for landing clearance. * FreeFall stands infront of Xara "You mind backing off before your breath melts my paintjob?" [comm to SD] on second thought - send BK to the bridge and follow me. I can help with that Not big on surgery, but I can tell which parts are missing. * bot_in_the_shadows runs into an alley and stops * Cyron comes out of the backdrop [comm] Ok... BK and Cham have the Trader. * Cyron grabs FreeFall * Stardrive assumes formation. [comm to BK] Get to the bridge - you're in charge until SD and I get back. * Diablo stops at the alley What the hell? * Stardrive radios whoever. Let's see...this coupling... Let him go. He's... with me and Cyron is with me * Shadowstrike radios waitstate "sd and I are on our way" * FreeFall pulls away from Cyron and socks him in the face * Waitstate silently radios "HURRY" a gangly little trader should have come through by now, where is he? * Shadowstrike takes the coordinates that Wait gave her [comm to SD] He's in bad trouble. Get ready. * Dead_Lift begins to grab parts, welding them into place You look happy to see me Diablo * Blacknife flies in * FreeFall pulls out his photon blasters * Shadowstrike lands a short distance away from Wait's position, undetected. Seems to be more of an energy problem, than physical damage... [comm] ready for what? * Stardrive follows. * Diablo arms his cannons [comm] I'm not sure myself. Just heads up. * Stardrive transforms and lands. what exactly is wrong? I wish you'd just stay dead * Shadowstrike walks into the bar where Wait and Freefall et al are. * Shadowstrike draws her sword. * Waitstate turns at the door opening * Cyron turns around and scowls Thank PRIMUS Cavalry's arrived, Waitstate. * Xaraxus punches Waitstate * FreeFall levels his guns at Cyron * Shadowstrike jumps at Xararus * Waitstate flys back into the bar UG! The beacon in my chest, it was supposed to kill me if I tried to remove it... * Xaraxus flails around * Waitstate loses hold of his sabre What do we do with laughing boy here? * Xaraxus reaches for the sabre * Shadowstrike slugs Xararus * Blacknife chokes Trader Bot a bit * Xaraxus falls over * Shadowstrike kicks the sabre out of the way * Waitstate fires a laser pulse at Xaraxus' hand * Dead_Lift turns to Terra "I need energon." * Xaraxus flips back up and kicks at Shadow * Shadowstrike falls over into a table You should know by now that I won't die any time soon Ow * Dominion takes out his blaster and fires at Diablo * Waitstate rolls across to the sabre and picks it up * Xaraxus picks up his photon gun * Stardrive shoots the gun out of Xaraxus' hand. * Diablo falls to the ground and goes unconscious that's it * Shadowstrike grabs her blaster with her free hand * Xaraxus puts his hands up * Shadowstrike shoots a volley at Xararus * Xaraxus falls over * Xaraxus looks up * Waitstate trains a laser at the other bot [comm to BK] JUST HOLD HIM THERE. We've got more problems here. * FreeFall charges his pistols and aims at the offending robots, firing * Dominion picks up Diablo and takes him to his shuttle * Shadowstrike looks to Wait. What the slag is going on? * Stardrive aims one null ray at each. you'd best kill us now, or take us prisoner * Dead_Lift goes to the medbay doors, still stumbling a bit. "I'm going for fuel." * Blacknife makes a visit to the brig first and tosses the Trader Bot in got me. I was just talking with Freefall here and had a gun pulled on me Stay put or die * Shadowstrike takes Xararus' weapons and puts them carefully out of the way. Cham stay on watch Wait! You shouldnt move! If he breaks free kill him I can't wait around here either. * Dominion reaches his shuttle and preps it for take off * Dead_Lift heads for his quarters Ok now... who are you, and WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?? Cham? *under her breath* good grief. I won't ever complain about quiet again. [comm to Cham] I've got Diablo now Chameleon, and he won't be the same when he returns the name is Xaraxus you dolt, can't you remember anything? * Dead_Lift reaches his quarters Now, now, *raising sword* you'd best be a tad more polite. Xaraxus, again. * FreeFall puts his pistol on Xara's neck "Just answer the question" * Stardrive looks around for his twin. * Dead_Lift enters and notices his smashed comm What in the Pit!? * Dead_Lift remembers his collapse [comm to BK and Tri] Everything under control up there? Oh yeah, that was me... Blacknife, I think we won't be seeing Diablo for a while * Blacknife looks at Cham oddly Ok My... evil twin isn't with you is he? Stand watch over that Trader Bot * Dominion leaves the planet in his shuttle [Comm] all well up here for now * Dead_Lift transforms into forklift mode * Blacknife heads for the bridge [comm to BK] all right. Keep an eye on DL as well, or have Terra keep an eye on him. Now to sit, regain strength, and prepare... [comm to BK] and no, that doesn't mean throwing him in the brig. [comm] awww * Blacknife enters bridge * FreeFall walks up to Waitstate "So where do I go now?" [comm to BK] Some cretin attacked Wait down here. We've got it under control right now. We'll be back shortly I hope. * Waitstate's head swims [comm Terra] Keep an eye on Dead Lift for me. I've got the chair for now [Comm] Oh joy [Comm] Nothing an Ice Queen can't handle... * Shadowstrike growls and shuts off her comm. * Blacknife snickers as he knows he got to her you gonna take me in or what? * Shadowstrike looks at wait * FreeFall puts his pistol in Xara's back "Open your mouth one more time and I flash fry you where you stand" heh heh heh Your bots amuse me so Waitstate * Stardrive keeps looking around for others. * FreeFall turns to Wait "Please lemme kill him... please" Not my place to say. Anybody consider calling the cops? Even if you could your fearless leader won't let you kill me little bot * FreeFall laughs "Cops? The cops here will give this guy a slap on the wrist and let him be on his way" * Waitstate turns back to the arrogant bot Trust me, if it were my place to say, you'd be dead now Keep quiet, or I'll make my own choices, you slime. * FreeFall growls, turning his pistol and pistol whipping Xara across the face *to Freefall* you'll get yours *to Xaraxus* And Ill be waiting :) None of you know what you're getting into Ha! There, that's a little better. That's never stopped us before * Dead_Lift returns to bot mode * Waitstate leans in with his beamsabre Never stopped me * Dead_Lift leaves his quarters and heads for the bridge * Shadowstrike shifts her sword in her hand. [comm Terra] Update me on Dead Lift * Stardrive looks around for others. * FreeFall steps back, one of his pistols stil leveled at Xara *screaming off in the distance* * Dead_Lift hears the screaming as he nears the brig Ooh, a newcomer...? * SkySiren rushes down the hall when she hears the screaming. * Dead_Lift enters the brig and looks around [Comm Dead Lift] DO NOT LET THAT PRISONER LOOSE! * Trader-Bot lays motionless in his cell [Comm Sky] Get Dead Lift back to med bay * Dead_Lift is startled by the loud noise from his comm *Answering com* Will do Dammit, BK, don't do THAT! * SkySiren enters the brig and spots Traderbot on the floor [Comm Sky] As in NOW! * Dead_Lift looks at Sky "yes?" damn Trader Bot is playing them for saps * SkySiren smiles and motions to him "You're coming with me to medbay' why...? * something grabs Skysiren from behind Hey! Where are you going deary? * Dead_Lift grabs Trader's arms and slams them forward making his face slam against the cell oh, don't waste your time with that, it's dead * Waitstate contacts the police Now, where's his cargo? Yeah, well YOU'RE not....yet. * SkySiren tries to break free * Blacknife notes another blip on the screen just suddenly popped up WHAT THE?!!! * Bataract holds onto Skysiren tighter now where's the cargo? [Comm to BK] We GOT TROUBLE Release her, freak... [Comm Strike] Inturder alert up here now slag [comm BK] hold on. Wait, they've got MORE problems up there. Permission to head back? [Comm Dead Lift] Use force if necessary [Comm Dead Lift] I'll deal with the consequences later [Comm] I was hoping you'd say that * Blacknife pulls out his blades [comm BK] Call Recoil. Sky, transform! * SkySiren tf's to copter mode [Comm Recoil] Get your gears to the brig, intruder alert I guess we have stuff covered here * Dead_Lift watches Sky break free All right. Right, I'm on it See you later then * Dead_Lift tackles Bat [comm to BK] I'm on my way * SkySiren tfs back but as her feet touch the ground she takes out her blades * Bataract falls * Stardrive remains uneasy. * Shadowstrike exits the bar, transforms to jet mode, and takes off for the Freedom * FreeFall walks up to Wait "What the hell's going on up there?" * Bataract gets a communication you got me * Dead_Lift chokes Bat hehehe * Recoil arrives in the brig * Bataract scratches Dead Lift with his claws [comm to Wait] They've got an intruder alert. I'll keep you updated. Laugh at this! * Dead_Lift fires his shoulder cannon in Bat's face * Shadowstrike flies into the landing bay and transforms back to robot mode. Hey! [comm to BK] Where's the fire? [comm] Brig * Recoil fires off two flash-bombs at Bataract [comm] I'm on it. * Dead_Lift hits Bat, but gets knocked back, after recieving a scratch to the chest flash bombs? On me? * Shadowstrike makes haste to the brig * FreeFall talks to Wait "You know I could fly up there if they need help" you guys are stupider than I thought * Recoil growls * Shadowstrike enters the brig and views the carnage. "What's all this?!" * Recoil fires his pulse laser cannon * Shadowstrike draws her sword again. ahhh! This is starting to feel like the not so good old days... * Bataract falls * Dead_Lift turns to Shadow "Wait till the Autos show up." *to FreeFall* Xaraxus is the leader of Spectral Death, a... well... a hit squad that seems to have us on their list. * SkySiren runs over to Shadow "Better get out of here.." * Dead_Lift gets up and moves for Bat again Are you ok, Sky? * Recoil fires a low-yield antimatter grenade at the bat I'm fine * Blacknife is obviouslly holding Archlight back *to DeadLift* What are you talking about? OH! NOW we wanna listen!? Sheesh! * Bataract lays motionless [comm BK] Keep in contact with Wait. slag not now you auto goof Recoil, toss him in a cell. * Dead_Lift helps Recoil with Bat's body * Recoil grabs the bat, picks him up roughly, and slams him into the back wall of a cell * Recoil turns on the security field [Comm Wait] Situation Report Ice Queen wants to know [comm to BK] We've got this thing under control. Ok, who IS that freak? heheh [Comm Wait] Ice Queen reports intruder contained trouble? Might be related to the ones down there...? Stop calling her that. Xaraxus is playing it quiet [comm to Wait] We've got something similar to your sitch up here. * Dead_Lift leans against the wall, 'winded' DL, are you ok? [Comm Wait] Awww, you're no fun Yeah, I don't think I have a future in surgery though. DL, get to medbay Send me where you're going to send me Wait Recoil, keep an eye on this one. * Blacknife transforms As you command. With pleasure. I hope he wakes up. * Dead_Lift heads down the hallway I've got to get back to the bridge before BK destroys it. hrm * Shadowstrike heads for the bridge. [Comm] What the devil is going on ? [comm Recoil] if anything unusual happens, let me know. * Shadowstrike enters the bridge. * Shadowstrike notes Archlight and SCOWLS. YOU. oh why hello Yes my dear Just what I didn't need right now. You're relieved. I've got the chair. Tri, any word from Wait? I'm sorry * ArchLight gets out of the chair * Dead_Lift enters the Medbay Well, BK was just talking to him... * Xaraxus gets a comm message Nothing since then. Arch, I don't suppose you have any med training? *we've got them* Thank you, Tri. So what's going on? excellent Dead Lift, you came back Well, let's see. * Waitstate returns his full attention to Xaraxus I had to. I'm running on 35% efficiency hmph, I told you not to go First, someone rammed a shuttle into the bay doors after we refused landing authorization. And dumped something in. I think there's a setup in here for recharging If I hadn't left, Skysiren may be dead. * FreeFall keeps his pistol on Xara THEN, someone attacked Wait on the surface. SD and I were headed down there. Waitstate my dear friend Then BK reported an intruder here. And I came back, Recoil and DL had the situation in hand. A whole group? * Dead_Lift explains what happened at the brig And that's the gist of it. interesting... you have something to say? * SkySiren looks down embarrassed [comm to Terra] Keep an eye on DL. He's acting odd. you have something to say? I've got plenty to say to you my friend Well did they refer themselves as a group or what? * Stardrive looks around again. * FreeFall keeps his pistol on xara "All good, I'm sure" I'm recieving on all frequencies [comm to Wait and Stardrive] Situation seemingly under control here. Keep us informed. Well, where's the plug in? Arch, not that I know of. How many would you say are still on your ship? [comm] Good to know. I mean, you put sooo many on shore leave and heck, you have a handful of crew members guarding me I'd say there are at least five on the ship heh more than enough * the LSS Freedom shakes as if hit by a rather large object WHAT NOW?! Oh is there? * Stardrive winces as Wait hands out strategic info. * Shadowstrike grips the command chair. Seems you've forgotten about my crew What the slag??