Session Start: Sat Sep 04 23:59:13 1999 * Artifice stretches * Waitstate leans back in the chair * Waitstate enjoys the performance of the band on the stage now why couldn't I get recognition like this back on Nelvada * Archlight returns to Cybertron to make an offial report heh... this is a bit of a better establishment by all accounts * Waitstate has to raise his voice to be heard over the music and club noise * Archlight is greeted by a cavalcade of Autobots in my case I'd just say bad luck. I'm gonna go blow some credits, catch ya later * Archlight nods back in return looking for a particular one Seeya Opal! Punch, I suppose they have informed you of my ....situation * Archlight noticed his counterpart's uneasiness.. Yeah, Wheeljack and Ratchet are trying to come up with a way to prevent what happened to you it doesn't happen to me * Meteor wanders through the ancient cave system he discovered, not having found anything of interest * Waitstate sips his energon beverage. "Nobody can mix a decent drink on this planet..." Have the Autobots made a new body for me as I requested? * Shadowstrike strolls down a street on the not-so-nice side of town. * Artifice walks up to Waitstate maybe not boss, but the femmes are at least favorable, oh yeah heh Drinking again Waitstate? * Waitstate waves over to Arti nothing I can't handle. Sit down, enjoy the music :) * Fragment taps his foot on the ground along to the music * Artifice sits I don't think so... Prime considers your mission too important now... especially with the Neutral Faction gathering the attention of enemy groups... you'll have to play the dumb Liason for quite some time Slag Hey, at least your other half isn't a full decepticon program * Restore arrives outside Deadlift's quarters and hits the buzzer Yeah, but you won't have to deal with it becoming sentient anytime soon. Speaking of the other half, he's wanting to come out of the bottle so how much longer are we living the good life, boss? Yeah, who is it? Well, I guess you better go before he takes over Dunno. I suppose as soon as we have something better to do * Archlight hands the report to Punch Leading lasertorch lady here to make a house call Yeah, see that gets to Optimus * Dead_Lift opens the door. "You haven't had enough of me already?" wasn't Admiral looking into some cargo run? yeah, but we never were able to figure out just how legit the job was Will do, good luck * Archlight watches Punch depart * Shadowstrike spots a bar and ducks in. don't get me wrong Deadlift, you may be slightly handsome... but this is just a check up call ;) * Archlight leaves on a shuttle * Restore does a quick scan and looks at the results* See, I'm fine. Sure are. Why don't you head planetside and relax some. I hear there's a great club down there Club? * Fragment gets up without warning and follows a femme-bot * Waitstate laughs Ah well, maybe I should get some relaxation in... * Shadowstrike settles in at the bar and orders a particularly *strong* drink. yeah you know, night club, dance club, or some such thing. Anyway, I gotta go, don't over do yourself *to Artifice* so what do you think of this band? * Crevas and Phoenyx race each other over the deserted snowscapes far from the main city * Dead_Lift grabs a couple things from his quarters and heads to the launch bay * Scope decides to head planetside and see what it's like * Archlight nears the Freedom's outer sensor limits [Comm] Permission to come aboard * Dead_Lift reaches the shuttlebay * Meteor notices some form of fossilized moss and takes a sample Computer, Open the door. [Comm] Dead Lift to bridge. Onscreen * Trilana puts it on the screen. Yeah, Archie? * Archlight taps fingers * Shadowstrike slips some credits to the bartender, who reaches under the bar and hands her a container of something. Can I dock or what old bean? Ok... I guess I can do it myself.... * Dead_Lift goes to a shuttle and fires up the engines Open the shuttledoors. Tell Deadlift not to collide with Archie. * Lightning opens the flight deck doors * Dead_Lift notices the doors open The music is good. Not the best I've heard, but good * Shadowstrike takes the container off the bar, smiles to the bartender and leaves Much better. * Meteor takes the samples and decides to head back to the Freedom * Waitstate applauds as the band finishes the set * Dead_Lift flies the shuttle out of the bay doors and heads to the planet below * Artifice claps as well * Fragment returns to the table rubbing the side of his face* *to herself* One errand down. Two more to go. * Phoenyx watches Crevas racing below her and flies into a small hill I've gotta get their album... just a sec, I think they're selling it up front * Archlight lands his shuttle * Opal wanders through the street market and finds many different items, none remotly useful or desirable to her * Snake-Eyes closes shop for the day and heads for her quarters * Dead_Lift brings the shuttle down on the landing pad * Scope gets in a shuttle and takes off, and begins to fly to the planet * Waitstate returns * Shadowstrike walks along the street, a little wobbly from her drink, checking addresses. Slagging autobot I'll figure a way to get you out yet how much was that? * Blacknife heads for the brig about twenety IPCE credits * Dead_Lift exits the shuttle and wanders off down the street cheap, considering. really was * Blacknife enters brig and decides to comminucate with a couple of forgotten prisoners... * Blacknife decides on Misfit first * Scope lands * Stardrive watches ancient Sanford and Son reruns on the main viewer. Alright, I want the full scoop on the Ice Queen Misfit how can you watch such fodder * Misfit laughs Moron, why would I tell you? c'mon... I got us dinner reservations across town. Best energon cuisine on the planet, or so I've heard Don't laugh it's no joke. What is her history or else you'll join that trader bot Like I'm afraid of you. You did hear his scream I'm sure * Blacknife laughs * Admiral-Lilwall enters the club and is overcome by the noise. he looks around hpoing to find Waitstate quickly Why won't you spill the beans on your former boss? * Dead_Lift stops a passerby and asks for directions to the club * Scope begins walking around looking for a place to do something 'Cause she worries me more than you do. Thanks for confirming she was your higher up Of course she was, you dope. * Blacknife grins beneath his faceplate I don't call her commander for my health. * Waitstate sees Lil as he starts to exit Lil! Looking for me? * Dead_Lift looks across the street to see the club *yelling* What?? Speak up * Dead_Lift heads over and enters * Waitstate motions Lil over Well, excuse me. I know a few Deceps who were called commander and got destroyed the same day due to their treachery * Shadowstrike finds the store she was looking for - a particularly disreputable looking "Weapons Depot" * Dead_Lift is nearly knocked back through the door by the music * Admiral-Lilwall heads over. "how the slag can you stand this noise?" * Misfit snickers * Waitstate yells "Noise filters" Ya get used to it big red, and because of the presence of femme-bots What the slag is that horrible noise!? What's so funny? * Dead_Lift looks around for the dying cyber-bovine You are Why me? You think you're so slaggin' scary, and brilliant Well if it's all the same to you, I'd like to get to this place you made arrangements for. it's not cheap and they don't refund you know Is that so... * Windscorcher spots Waitstate * Windscorcher runs over to him Hi! Remember me? right, I called us a... *is is cut off by the newcomer* uh, hi... should I? I came to your bar a few times back on Cybertron! * Windscorcher takes Waitstate's hand and shakes it How about your friend in the next cell? * Dead_Lift looks over and spots the rest of his group It was a long time ago, how did the bar get totalled anyhow? I hate to break up the happy reunion, but I'm heading over, I'll save you a window seat hm... sorry, I got a lot of customers you know * Admiral-Lilwall leaves the club with Fragment close behind You know the autoguns activate upon an attempt escape I understand. Anyhow, I've been tracking you for a while, took me this long to find you uh, that's a complicated story, and one I don't like to talk about * Dead_Lift watches Lil pass by Anyhow, you still got a position for me Waitstate? I'd love to join your group Seems to be the only way I can get some noteriety uh, I suppose so... contact my ship and we'll get you some signup forms * Dead_Lift walks up and stands behind Windscorcher Where is your ship Waitstate? in orbit Can I catch a ride on one of your shuttles then? If not, I'll just stay and hang out with you * Waitstate notes Lil disappearing in the distance listen, I have to be somewhere now. Can you get back to me later? Sure can! * Admiral_Lilwall arrives at the place Wait was talking about and enters with Fragment * Waitstate gives him the Freedom's recruitment line comm number * Shadowstrike browses through the weapons shop What is it that Strike is hiding, you know she decimated an entire city because of it? I'll call right away! * Snake-Eyes lies on her lounge chair at her quarters and watches the galactic news *laugh* That was before Strike's... hm. Never mind. * Waitstate sighs, leaves the club, then TFs and drives off as fast as possible Before Strike's what? Usually a bot gets a makeover when they try to hide...she got a new body .. * Dead_Lift transforms and follows Wait she doesn't want to be recongnized either... interesting * Shadowstrike selects two Mark V blasters, and a vicious looking dagger, and pays the store clerk. Before Strike's time. Slow down Waitstate, I'm no sports car here! * Misfit smiles. "The Commander's several steps ahead of you, Butterknife." * Blacknife gives an evil look * Misfit smiles super-sweetly. * Admiral_Lilwall waits outside 'The Laveit' where waitstate had made reservations By the way, if you'll tell I--- er, Strike, that I'd like to talk to her. * Blacknife grins beneath the faceplate * Waitstate slows down for DL, once he's sure he's gotten away from the freak stalker even in relaxtion mode the boss is too busy * Blacknife smiles super-sweetly as well now ;p So...that's why she reacted to me calling her an Ice Queen What? * Blacknife chuckles So, where you headed? * Windscorcher calls up the LSS place called "The Laveit" * Windscorcher taps his foot as he waits I think I got enough info from you Misfit... I wonder how long she'll let you live, Butterknife. My bet is not long. Yeah well if he doesn't show up real now like, our table is gonna go to someone else * Blacknife chuckles I am so worried. You ought to be. * Trilana answers. Transmission incoming... If you only knew... Hey LONAC! Now what... this is the poker episode... onscreen. That's what I do best....knowning... Anyone there? but you don't know *smile* Um... yeah? Who are you? * Blacknife shakes head And even if you did... it wouldn't matter. Hey! * Waitstate arrives, drives under the awning at thw front door, and TFs I'm Windscorcher, Waitstate gave me the number Well then why not tell me now? * Dead_Lift follows Wait * Waitstate enters Ah... ok. If I'll end up dead so what if I know everything? What's the deal with you, anyhow? Why are you so obsessed with the Commander? Trying to get into her quarters or something? Bout time. Where did Artifice end up going? * Blacknife feints at the obvious attempt to get him off subject I hate anyone who hides spells trouble *from the other cell* Hell, Mis, he's not denying it. he isn't here? I thought he was with you. I'd watch yourself if I was you. Her last consort ended up dead. He was, for a while Yeah... so... what? I've been looking to join the group I don't want to be her consort What do I need to do? * Blacknife wiggles in disgust at the notion Uh... hold on... * Cobalt chuckles, a grating sound You got something I need to sign? Maybe a physical test? * Misfit laughs Tri, send him the forms in electronic format. so let's find our table already, I'm hoping we get that waitress-bot over there * Blacknife shakes head Then why so many questions? * Trilana sends the forms. * Artifice catches up to Waitstate and Admiral I want to find out everything Ok... fill those out in triplicate. Then what? At least try and be gentleman like Fragment, I don't really want to be thrown out of here :P Like I said I hate information being kept from me She's out of your league, Frag:) Just send them back and I'm in? * Waitstate steps up to the matre'd You two popped up then who's next? And then send them back, and we'll toss it in the review pile. You could find everything you need in the Cybertronian archives, if you were bright enough to know what to look for... Hey Waitstate, sorry I was late Waitstate, party of 4 I'm sure someone else is after her head... *I* was the only one who knew where to go. Hey great And Wait will go through them when he's not loaded. Better make that five When can I expect a call? Why would anyone be looking for someone who's dead? * Misfit laughs. Well... before we leave... this way *lead them to their table* Well, I'll get back to you guys, thanks! I already found out about the dead bot she named herself after, Misfit * Windscorcher cuts off the comm link and leaves Freedom out Sanford and Son... onscreen. :D Just what are you talking about? * Stardrive wathes. * Waitstate sits *snarls with disgust* youth element, they should all be locked away until they 'grow up' Oh spare know exactly what I mean * Admiral_Lilwall and Fragment sit Someone who never existed. * Stardrive looks at Lighting... huh? Why don't you just mention that to the Commander, Blacknife, it would make her day. So Wait, what's on the venue? * Artifice sits * Dead_Lift sits as well bah! my shift is over. *leaves the bridge* *to Cobalt* You shut up. You're in deep enough as it is. So tell me Commander Ice decided to Kill this ShadowStrike herself just to take his id? * Stardrive sighs. "He's a professional to the end. * Waitstate checks the menu I owe her nothing. Not anymore. She hung us out to dry. Well then Cobalt why don't you tell me everything I know I retired so I could get away from stressful work but I still feel antsy in such a comfortable surrounding heh If you get me out of here, we'll have a deal. But not until. Kind of an oxymoron I guess * Trilana gets up from the comm and sits on SD's lap. "We've got the whole bridge to ourselves." * Waitstate decides on a selection Hrm, I might be able to arrange that.. * Admiral_Lilwall looks over the menu. * Admiral_Lilwall turns fragment's to veiw the menu as well, instead of the femme-bot near by * Artifice looks over the menu * Cuffs arrives in the brig* * Stardrive and Tri watch TV. ups.. guess not Up until LONAC I don't think I ever had a decent recharging. I took energy from wherever I could get it I was not aware you were on board again Blacknife. Hey! Where the hell have you been, guard boy? * Cuffs ignores the prisoners Your friend here is trying to break Cobalt out. Just making sure our two 'guests' are ok * Blacknife shakes his head * Misfit glares at Cobalt * Dead_Lift looks through the menu I'm sure you are. But I will handle that duty for now. Anything to get yourself free from the cell Thank you. * Blacknife nods Hey, "Cuffs"? Question. Look at these prices * Blacknife leaves the brig giving Misfit a darting glance * Cuffs turns to Misfit* D'ya think you could pass along a little message to Strike for me? Have you all decided on your orders, or do you need a little more time? Meal is on me, guys slaggin' guard showed up at the wrong time... No arguments there. But don't be asking for a loan later ;) heh and that would be? I'll have whatever Dead Lift is having * Waitstate gives the Waiter his order I'm game, whatever they're willing to eat I am as well Just a phrase. Carpe diem. She'll understand. * Dead_Lift tells the waiter what he wants And make that an extra charged. *to waiter* can I have the number of that waitress-bot? *points to other table* * Admiral_Lilwall slaps Fragment on the back of the head. "Activate your manners, shorty." I'm sorry sir, employee information is confidential :) fine fine * Dead_Lift shakes his head. "It's always the little ones..." Gimme the same as these guys Hey, us short bots get the best views * Admiral_Lilwall shakes his head. * Phoenyx recovers from her crash and joins Crevas in racing again Well just to fill you in, the rest of her body above the legs isn't bad either. * Dead_Lift grins hmph. shut up fork boy. * Dead_Lift chuckles * Shadowstrike returns to the landing pad, noting the presence of a LONAC shuttle there, proceeds to the shuttle. * Junky_LaFord fiddles with some stuff in Engineering. It'll be about 15 minutes. I'll bring you some appetizers, on the house, in the meantime * Shadowstrike stores her new acquisitions in one of the crates and leaves a message to that effect, then departs again. * Restore finishes work on the last of the drones her comrades never completed * Waiter walks off Slow food... not something I'm used to :) finally. running short on materials, I'll have to have Waitstate get some more at some point Food, heh * Admiral_Lilwall turns Fragment's head back to their own table by the sounds of it you'd think you spent more time with organics than me Well, early on, I probably did hey, what's wrong with eye-candy before a meal? I'm a few thousands years older than you and most of my clients are organic I'd say it ruins the appetite but in your case I'd say it makes it worse. [comm to Stardrive] everything ok up there? I guess it all depends on your roots well, my experience was probably a bit more... immersive [comm] Yeah... * Meteor rushes into the bridge [comm] One applicant... sorry I'm late for du-- erm.. Heh, I doubt that [comm] Other than that, it's pretty quiet. * Meteor notices Trilana on SD's lap [comm Stardrive] eh? That figures. Well, I'm off again. Take care, SD. * Trilana smiles sweetly and waves. trust me on this. I seriously doubt you were closer to organic types than I was Uh, well if you don't need someone to run the science station I can skip this shift * Trilana goes back to her console. No offense Waitstate, but you have no idea how close I got with some orangics althought it's quite ridiculous to * Stardrive chuckles. Just watching TV. Fleshies are strange beings aren't they :) I mean, we're practically immortal. Please you two, I will be eating soon, and I don't want the thought of fleshlin, er organics in my mind * Waitstate decides to change the subject before he gets into topics he doesn't wish to discuss I got accosted by some weirdo at that club. that's why I was late. * Blacknife decides to look up Autobot archives for Cobalt * Blacknife thinks of a way to get Cobalt out Yeah, yeah, and I was raised by them in the earthen forests:) Heh, I just got lost Weirdo? Not that bot that's been staring at us from his table since we got here is it? Hrm...the slaggin Auto may be handy if Cobalt has a history... who's he? he doesn't seem happy to see us Beats me, but he's been staring at us since we sat down * Waitstate looks nope, not the same guy at all * Large, red, yellow, blue and white robot stands and leaves the 'Leveit', staring nastily at the group as he does so Oh dear.. * Archlight reads msg on left on internal comp what the slag? * Archlight grumbles * Admiral_Lilwall calls the waiter over Ooo, what was that all about? * Archlight gets proper requisition forms Hey buddy, do you know who that bot is? *pointing out window to the bot as he disappears in the crowd* * Archlight enters brig * Cobalt notes Archlight's presence. He's been in a time or two I think. Why? Cuffs old chap I just got back from Cybertron and the Autobots want that bloke released to me...immediately * Archlight hands Cuffs the requistion forms he was giving us a nasty stare ever since we sat down * Cobalt is surprised, but says nothing. he bailed when we all took note of him * Cuffs looks over the forms I must clear this with Waitstate, of course... Well, he'd had a few already. Probably was just drunk. Of course old chap heh *to waiter* oh. I've seen that look a thousand times [comm] Cuffs to Waitstate... He must remember one of us, or at least thinks he does Isn't me. * Archlight whispers to Cobalt "Blacknife sends his regards...old chap" * Waitstate activates his comm [Comm]Yes Cuffs? * Cobalt smiles a very devious and cold smile... [comm] our Autobot resident has presented me with valid forms from Autobot Headquarters on Cybertron. They state that Cobalt is to be put into Archlight's custody What do you think, Lil? Strange that it's only one and not both... But, the sooner they're off the ship the better. ditch that damn autobot too I say yeah, it is Hey, stupid, didn't you hear me the first time? alright He's trying to get him out, don't you see? Jealous, Mis? I would get rid of him simply cause he's nuts [Comm] Well, I'd say screw Archlight, but Lil here is the voice of reason. Go ahead and let him. And encourage them to leave entirely, if you don't mind. I would do no such thing... He's slagging lying! He's not wanted by the Autobots... [comm] very well, but I note my disapproval. Don't! *takes out his weapon* Very well Archlight, you may proceed. You've been in the brig to long to be updated on who and who is not wanted....I'm sure you are next [Comm] Noted and agreed with. Do it anyway Never mind her. She took some damage in the battle... never was quite right in the processor. * Archlight gives Misfit a cold stare * Misfit protests more. * Cobalt smirks Do you have an extra pair of your namesake lad? * Archlight looks at Cuffs Not here. * Archlight grumbles I'll behave. After all, I have no weapon. Well, I'm not exactly taking him out without some type of restraint weaponless does not mean harmless. release him Archlight, I have you both under watch. Very well old bean * Archlight releases the doors to the cell * Cuffs stands ready for danger Well step out * Waitstate shuts off comm and takes a few of the recently delivered appatizers * Cobalt follows Archlight, the picture of good behavior. Sheesh, didn't the waiter say 15mins? I don't suppose you could follow me to the shuttle....I do have a pair of restraints there? * Archlight looks at Cuffs you are asked formerly by Waitstate to board a shuttle with Cobalt and leave the ship. He asks you not to return. Well, my word I guess Blacknife is no longer needed as well? * Cuffs motions to the door and follows them I am not at liberty to say. Proceed at once. * Misfit tries her comm to Strike and finds that it has been disabled * Archlight goes to the shuttlebay He'll kill her, you fools! You can't let him go! * Cobalt follows * Archlight slaps a pair of cuffs on Cobalt before entering the shuttle * Cobalt enters following Archlight stands away watching them enter Hey, I need to talk to Blacknife... can that be arranged? Sorry for the delay. Here's your order. *sets down plates, and smiles* One moment lad * Archlight closes the shuttle door * Archlight transforms * Cobalt smiles. * Dead_Lift takes his plate and begins to consume Peek a boo You're my kind of robot. * Cuffs opens the bay doors and waits for the shuttle to leave It's a gift Now, part 2. You help me find Strike, and I'll tell you what you want to know. * Blacknife takes the helm and departs the ship * Cuffs closes bay doors and returns to the brig Well then tell me on the way And I'll need a side arm. I'm not coming back. * Blacknife glares at Cobalt You're my ticket out of here, don't worry. I have no intentions of harming you. * Admiral_Lilwall tries the 'meal' placed in front of him I don't know about a sidearm... Let's worry about your friend first * Waitstate begins consumption hmm... pretty good stuff Eh, I've had worse. but I've definatly had better She's gone a bit astray. I just need to have a few words with her. Hopefully she just went down to the planet Keep quiet Right. So what was with the weirdo that molested you at the club? [Comm Shadowstrike] Hey Ice Queen you planet side? apparently, a stalker from the old Neutral Ground days. Kinda freaked me out [comm] Yes, you annoyance. I'm at the "Hole in the Wall" bar. What do you need? a stalker. well, we just keep getting more fans every day [Comm Shadowstrike] Oh nothing just checking on my favorite LONACIAN {extreme sarcasm} * Fragment begins hording down his meal [comm] Well, I was enjoying my day off and out of your presence. So later, pest * Shadowstrike turns off her comm * Blacknife laughs * Stardrive and Tri dance the polka in front of the main screen. * Cobalt grins with malice. I have a fix now before we land? And a gun for me, please. There will be dealers planetside Anyhow, that cargo run was a bust. the run itself was real. but the cargo was contraband I assume you found the information on the real Shadowstrike. And I don't have any credits right now. damn, I knew it. Organized crime connections? New Iceland aurthorities have already cleared the situation Yeah I'll give you the creds for the rest of the info....I don't care what you do with them * Cobalt grins wider. Deal then. Yep. Almost 600,000 pounds of an human drug called cocaine. worth quite a bit You see, Strike, or as *I* know her better, Ice, was a Decepticon fleet commander. Fell out with the High Council. I've moved quite a bit of that around shit. That stuff can mess a human up pretty bad. * Cobalt picks and chooses his details, but obviously, BK couldn't know that. * Blacknife nods and listens in interest In the old days we used to use that stuff to get humans to do pretty much whatever we needed done I sent Cirrus and Shadowpaw to check it out while I was negotiating a deal with the trader. it was pretty easy for our scanners to pick up, but they somehow managed to keep it hidden from authorities here * Waitstate sighs Well go on When she left the fleet ranks, she became a bounty hunter/pirate sort. That's where I met her. We left Cybertron for a very long time. And fell out with most of Polyhex in the process. * Blacknife nods Not all bad news though... oh? To make a long story short, our last adventure was a set up. Our ship was attacked by Autobots, and our reinforcements retreated. It was pinned on Strike, and she was presumed dead in the battle, so who's to dispute? *burp* when's dessert? I did manage to track down a legit trade run though ahhhh do tell * Admiral-Lilwall ignores Fragment Now, where are my credits? Is that what she fears? Retaliation from this set up ? How bad was it? then I'll give them to you Bad? We lost crew. To us, it was bad. The real Shadowstrike was lost in there I presume Retaliation is the least of her worries. If the High Council found out she was still alive, she wouldn't be for long. It's a cargo run, 4 tonnes of generic food stuffs to a new human colony being set up in the Grik System She knows too much to be left out in the open. Even with a neutral group. slag it, and they'll go through LONAC to get to her And yeah, the REAL Shadowstrike was deactivated in that battle. when does it leave? Which means we'll have bigger problems than you two, no offense *I*'m wanted by the High Council. Slag if I'm going to tell them where she is. And Misfit is the only other who knows about what she's done. Not for a few days yet. But it pays little over 10,000 credits * Blacknife nods Here, you earned them... Your LONAC is safe enough. not a bad payoff. Grik system isn't too far off * Blacknife gives Cobalt the credits Thank you... now if I were you, I'd forget where you left me. * Blacknife takes the shuttle out of Freedom's range first We need to make it look official first Not only that, it's relatively empty space. The sector Grik is in is pretty much uninhabitable, bar the Grik system itself sounds like Nelvada the only ships I'd expect to see on the way would be human craft, transports mostly Enough time to get to Cybertron and back...we killed half of it with your info Hurry up... with payment like that we could resupply and start on all those drones we discussed earlier So why come back for her... among other things of course. ooo, good I just... *pause* want to straighten something out with her before I leave for space again. Me and Restore have been futzing around with the design of late. I think she's getting antsy to start on em. I know I am. * Cuffs arrives back in the brig * Blacknife notes the hesitation You want to buy a gun and you want to be dropped off where Strike is... Yeah, staighten out indeed I need a gun for where I'm going. I think she said she was applying the new design to the four or five drones you lot never finsihed, boss If I wanted her dead, I'd've killed her in the fracas on your ship. GUARD-BOT! * Blacknife lands at a shuttle port... so Cobalt can catch one back to planetside already? drat, without me You MORON! Don't you realize he's going to ---- There should be more than enough creds to catch a shuttle and get your gun from here... * Cobalt exits the shuttle. "Thanks again, Blacknife". I share your concern, but not it's intensity. *mutes sound from Misfit's cell* * Misfit slams her hand against the wall in frustration. * Blacknife decides to kill the other half of the time at the shuttle port bar Well, since Dead Lift is paying, I'll be gracious enough to alleviate the cost of drinks. *waves for the waiter* He's off to kill Strike and Archlight gets the blame for letting him this is probably the best laid plan yet and I'll cover dessert. Who wants? * Cobalt finds a place to purchase a weapon. He chooses something practical and *destructive*, then hops a shuttle to the planet's surface. Sure thing I'll be for that I could use a drink * Waitstate signals the waiter * Cobalt disembarks the shuttle after it lands, then finds a Locator sign. Yes, can I get you something? So how are you feeling Deadlift, and what was it that was wrong? Now where are you, you wretched traitoress... *to waiter* yes, a bottle of the finest energon/oil you have Well... feeling good, and as for the beacon.... * Cobalt finds the spot he's looking for and heads in that direction post haste. Beacon? That's going to be a wait and see. and a round of the house specialty dessert Yeah, long story. Hey, we're about to have desert, let's hear it ;) * Waiter nods "Will that be all?" Ok. It all started back on Cybertron during what I like to call the betrayal. yeah * Shadowstrike sits on a bar stool, sipping a Core Dump, completely unaware of the situation. * Waiter writes it all down and heads to the kitchen-area After damn near being scrapped by Shockwave, during a raid on an Autobot energon facility, I was captured. * Waiter returns with the bottle and some glasses. "The dessert will be about 10 minutes" :) The Bots took pity on me, and rebuilt the damaged regions of my body. In return, they made me vow to never return to the Decepticons. Not that I would want to, after what they did to me. * Cobalt uses his comm to simulate Blacknife's voice pattern... [comm to Shadowstrike, sounding like BK] Hey, Ice Queen, step out back, I've got something important to tell you. As a precaution, they put that beacon in me to keep an eye on my whereabouts. If I ever DID rejoin the Cons they would know right where to find me But why hunt down one decepticon? Find one. Find MANY. Shadowstrike [comm] It can wait, you pest. I'm relaxing. Oh yes * Mindshadow wanders around the mostly empty ship. The beacon was supposed to destroy me if removed, but it didn't. Though it came close. [comm, still sounding like BK] It's *important*. Get off your lazy tail and get out here. Thing is though, it started acting up. I don't know what set it off, from what I can tell it had to be something on the ship. * Dead_Lift shrugs So we may expect visitors. Great, so we just might have a horde of angry autobots bearing down on us [to himself] Sure is boring around here today. Autobots looking for Cons. They may not care about us. hah, just one more group against us. What did we ever do to anyone? * Snake-Eyes leaves her quarters after watching the news and heads back to the plaza* [to himself] Gonna make for a really short report. [comm] *grumble* Fine, I'll be out in a minute. Strike out. And for the brief time I was with them, I made a few allies. I just hope they are still around. * Shadowstrike pays her bill and walks out with her tankard of Core Dump in hand. * Cobalt lies in wait, just out of sight range for his target. Trouble is, we have a few ex-cons on board. not all Autobots are lenient. but then again, seeing how we've many ex-bots as well, they might choose to ignore us completely They had a pretty compassionate leader. He spared me after all * Shadowstrike looks around the alley in back of the bar. "Oh, for Primus' sake. BK! I haven't got time for your games!" I've heard that. Never seen any supporting evidence. Well, aside from you I guess that's the problem with some autobots I think. they care too much sometimes. what if it were a con as mental as galvatron Eh...Galvatron. What a crack pot * Fragment stares out the window at the femme bots who pass by that's probably the only thing the decepticons and autobots agree on * Mindshadow goes somewhere you're not going to find out about to rest. Your desserts, everyone. Enjoy. :) * Cobalt takes very careful aim. "Oh, I assure you, it's no game my dear Commander. This is payback for your betrayal." He shoots the tankard Strike holds in her hand and the resulting (large) explosion knocks her into the wall of the alley. Augh! * Snake-Eyes arrives at the plaza and looks to see if Terrafirma's store is open and so it is * Shadowstrike grabs her sword, but the explosion has damaged her optics and one of her hands. * Snake-Eyes enters * Terrafirma sees Snake Eyes through the window and waves * Shadowstrike swipes at Cobalt the best she can with her limited sight How's it going? Fairly well, all things considered Poor Strike. Can't fight blind, can you? You never were much without a ship backing you. * Cobalt dodges her easily and shoots where her comm circuitry should be located. same, hpoefully we'll pick up some more crew while still in orbit Now that I've made sure it's just you and me... * Various bar staff, attracted from the sounds of the explosion watch from the back door as the pair fight hope so. * Shadowstrike stumbles, still trying to hit him blindly by the location of his vocals. * Admiral-Lilwall begins on his dessert and pours everyone some drink Meteor... you have the conn. I've been here for 3 shifts already... * Cobalt knocks the sword out of her hand and knocks her to the ground. In simulated Blacknife's voice "Oh, don't worry. We're not going to kill you... just yet." * Waitstate toasts to vacation So have I. well..ok, but if things go wrong don't blame me, I'm not a command bot.... What do you WANT? You fools... Yeah, at least things have quieted down. Is anyone left on board who IS? * Blacknife is unware Cobalt has doublecrossed him by setting him up....he gleefully drinks to the fact that, for once, he is going to get away with something as far as I know, just Lightning, but he left shift already. well... I wouldn't say that exactly I had a couple hours of vacation time and I've been stick here ever since. I want you to know that not everyone is so forgiving and blindly following as Misfit. You betrayed us and left us to rot in an Autobot cell. For that, you deserve this. * Trilana nods. This whole thing was a set up. I used Mis to get to you. And your friend Blacknife here to find you. * Shadowstrike stays silent, trying to get her internal repairs to fix her comm * Stardrive slumps back into the command chair. * Blacknife notes the time If you EVER cross my path again, you TRAITORESS, I'll see that your head is tacked on a wall in Polyhex. Good bye, "Shadowstrike". And good riddance! * Blacknife transforms * Waitstate finishes up his dessert that was quite good. * Cobalt leaves in a hurry, knowing that he hasn't been seen. I can call Lightning back if you really want to go... * Archlight enters on his shuttle and returns to the Freedom Hit the spot Indeed, better than the meal itself. * Archlight makes the shuttle and him look as though Cobalt somehow managed to escape * Shadowstrike manages to get herself upright and leans against the wall. ughhh... this damaged thing is becoming ... a... bad ... habit. Anyway, I'm going to go see if there's any good movies playing. Slag, I can't get out of here like this... * Various bar staff rush to aid 'Strike now that Cobalt has left [comm] *weary voice* Old beans, I'm afraid I lost my passenger k... I'm gonna check back in ith the ship * Archlight gulps at the response *to the bar staff* do you ... have a .. comm? I need to call.. some help. * Waitstate finishes off his drink I'm going to do some sightseeing yeah, who do you need to call, we'll make it for you * Waitstate waves as they part company [comm] *weary voice* You better check on Strike....the boy seemed intent on going after her Call... Waitstate.... tell him... Blacknife and.. Cobalt attacked me... I can't make it back on my own.... nearly blinded right now Archlight is hailing us....something about Shadowstrike and a lost passenger? * Staff looks up who Waitstate is and soon hails the Freedom * Waitstate drives to a clearing, then takes off in jet mode * Trilana coordinates calls. [comm] *weary voice* Can I dock old chaps, The Decepticon gave me and the shuttle a bit of a beating * Admiral-Lilwall heads for the nearest theatre, seeing how Fragment hitched a ride with Waitstate New Iceland Control, I'm returning to my ship now Open the doors * Meteor opens the bay doors. * Diablo approaches the Freedom in a stolen shuttle Clearence granted * Archlight docks shuttle * Archlight limps out oh dear.. [comm] Stardrive to Waitstate * Waitstate enters the upper atmosphere, then hits the boosters [comm] Yeah Stardrive? [comm] can you guys open the shuttle bay doors? [comm] We have a problem or 3 * Archlight limps to repair bay...obviously beaten up * Waitstate flies inside the open bay doors [comm] Shadowstrike's been attacked. * Diablo takes the shuttle into shuttle bay dear me.. [Comm] What?! [comm] Archlight lost Cobalt... * Archlight rolls his optics at his pathetic act * Waitstate TFs and heads to a lift * Fragment transforms to robot mode and lands next to Wait [comm] And I think the two problems are related. * Fragment looks at the autobot * Diablo exits the shuttle with his new alien enhanced cannons armed I can get you to medbay you know * Waitstate exits the lift onto the bridge thank you old bean * Stardrive gets up. What's the situation? * Diablo goes to the bridge * Archlight takes Fragment's support Well... Cobalt is gone, Shadow's a mess. * Fragment fails to hold the weight and calls Restore And she says BK attacked her. [comm] can you guys let me onto the bridge? damnit! Why does everything go to pot when I'm not up here? * Archlight slips onto his keister when Fragment fails to support him * Restore soon arrives on the flight deck with two med drones and scans Archlight * Diablo shoots the bridge door down and enters * auto weapons extend from the ceiling of the bridge and target Diablo WHAT?!? * Diablo shoots the auto weapons * Waitstate spins around Diablo?!? * Stardrive shoots diablo with his null rays * Meteor fires on Diablo and dives for cover it's nothing did this damage occur Archlight?" I'm back, and I'm not very happy about what I've been through The Decepticon He broke free forcibly * Waitstate looks at the collapsed Diablo * Diablo disarms his cannons What the hell happened?! We were about to send out a team for Primus' sake! * Restore mends the damage with the help of the drones* now let's see, I was captured strapped up to a machine hmph, what happened was he blew open the door and killed the autoguns my form got changed to this * Stardrive turns to Wait... "I gotta get off of this bridge!" Before I go insane! there was an evil version of me created as a side effect of this * Dead_Lift wanders into the Hole in the wall bar and I barely managed to escape * Shadowstrike can't see a thing. now please tell me there's something round here that I can kill * Dead_Lift notices a crowd in the bar and moves to it * Shadowstrike sits in a chair with her back against the wall, good hand on her sword. What happened here? Dead Lift? Where are you? Striker? * Dead_Lift looks over to where she is sitting I can't see. Shit! * Dead_Lift rushes over to her. "What the slag happened to you!?" * Waitstate summons security Blacknife.. and Cobalt... they attacked me. Blacknife? Are you sure? And how did Cobalt get loose? I heard him! He lured me out back. I don't.. know. * Diablo tries to get up but falls straight down again I was... just... minding my own... business.. I gotta get you back to the Freedom * Admiral-Lilwall soon arrives in the bar and heads to the crowd * Shadowstrike nods Can you walk? I just got msged, what happened? I don't think so... the explosion tore me up... Ok then, we can do it the old fashioned way. * Dead_Lift picks up Shadowstrike Can you hold on tight, Strike? I'm sorry for this... * Shadowstrike nods good, I can carry yyou back to the ship don't think you can get me to medbay do you? * Restore finishes with Archlight thanks old bean * Archlight pats Restore on shoulder call me old bean again and I'll stuff a blow torch through your eyes. you can go. but I recommend you go straight to your quarters my word.. * Fragment chuckles * Archlight heads for his quarters * Admiral-Lilwall leads DL with SS out on the street slaggin neut * Diablo slowly gets up and holds onto the wall * Shadowstrike winces because the movement causes pain. * Admiral-Lilwall transforms. "get on, SS. and hold on tight." * Shadowstrike does as told. * Dead_Lift transforms Dead Lift, relay a message to all units still planetside to return to the ship as soon as possible. Affirmitive * Admiral-Lilwall takes off and heads for the freedom * Diablo slowly leaves the bridge * Dead_Lift does an open hail to all LONAC on the planet. [com] Freedom, this is Lil, I've got 'Strike, have Restore meet us on the flight deck * Waitstate still needs that paste... * Meteor helps Diablo to medbay [Comm] Everyone return to the Freedom. Admiral Lilwall's orders. * Dead_Lift rolls for the shuttle so how long am I going to have to stay in here for? * Crevas and Phoenyx head back to the city for pick up beats me, ask Restore when we get there. * Admiral-Lilwall flies into the flight deck and lands, Restore, Fragment and the two meddrones rush over *to himself* damn alien programming inside me * Dead_Lift launches the shuttle Oww... She's bad, we need to get her to Medbay right now. * Admiral-Lilwall nods and picks up 'Strike, carrying her to medbay. So BK made a move, unexpected. He... comm'd me and told me he had something important... to tell me. Told me to ... come out back. * Dead_Lift approaches the Freedom and lands I just sent Archlight to his quarters... someone... shot the drink I was holding and... it cause an explosion * Dead_Lift realizes they forgot to pay their bill.... Couldn't see after Oh well. * Diablo senses the alien programming trying to take control * Dead_Lift exits the shuttle Meteor, shoot me if I try to do anything, the alien programming is trying to take control of me * Archlight still awaits...and isn't surprised BK doesn't want to come out... Great. [comm] Cuffs, Recoil, Trilana, find our autobot 'friend' and lock him up. Waitstate, you should come to medbay... erm... if you say so... * Dead_Lift heads for the med bay * Waitstate goes if you want to live, you will do it * Cuffs acknowledges and heads for BK's quarters * Admiral-Lilwall arrives at medbay with SS and Restore slanggin neut interuppting my spying mission... bring her into the OR. * Archlight grumbles * Cuffs meets with Recoil and Trilana in a corridor Fix my eyes... Restore. I want to deal with Blacknife... myself. * Diablo slowly extends a wrist blade* * Dead_Lift runs across Cuffs, Recoil and Tril in the hall critical systems first, don't make me switch me you off we're nearly there I said... my eyes. The rest... can wait. Going traitor hunting, Cuffs? You can't take on anyone with this damage, let me do what I need to do. BK will be waiting for you in a cell I should just kill myself here right now instead of putting you all at risk Apparently so. * Shadowstrike tries to get up, very determined. I'll go with you. Not likly Let me.. go. * Restore sedates Shadowstrike * Shadowstrike is knocked out and lays still. Sorry, but you're going to have to wait * Diablo releases Spiderbot * Admiral-Lilwall leaves the OR room and finds Meteor with Diablo entering It's got control of my arm Waitstate should be here any second... What's got control of your arm? * Dead_Lift leads the security group to BK's door alien programming * Waitstate enters the Medbay Recoil, the door if you please. Subtly * Diablo shoots his arm off with one of his cannons hey! What's the situation? * Restore pokes her head out at the sound of gunfire* * Meteor drops Diablo * Recoil vaporizes the door supports with a tightbeam plasma burst Diablo here just blew his arm off, and Shadow is undergoing repairs Slag, that's subtle? Last time he blew up the door. this was subtle. It was quiet, wasn't it? * Archlight takes notice of the commotion * Cuffs enters and points his weapon on Archlight* * Misfit paces her cell, wondering why the guard has left. Oh my Slag, everything goes crazy so fast around here... * Restore quickly comes out * Archlight surrenders peacefully Diablo? what is it? * Diablo gets up off the ground Dead Lift, bind him... Am I being arrested for letting that Decepticon escape? * Dead_Lift grabs Arch's arms behind them and cuffs them Alien programming again ouch...easy lad You're telling me. She said something about BK call ing her to the alleyway of a bar taking over my system Next thing she knew, she was blind and Cobalt and BK were laying into her That's not possible...I was taking the shuttle out Easy?! Kinda like you, BK, whoever the hell you are right now was easy, on Strike? ok, THIS is strange. Archlight, do you have any witnesses to that? * Restore gives Diablo a mild sedative, and sets the med drones to work on him* Well, the only witness was Colbalt They wont be able to do a thing to stop it * Archlight lowers his head at that statement hmph, that's convenient Waitstate, would the shuttle hold any sort of records on what might have occured? no, but i can have them put a damper on it for now, it won't last long, but it should be able to dull the effect for a day or two at least hmm... yes, logs * Waitstate pushes his way over to a terminal * Diablo's optics glow bright red * Restore whispers something to Lil and then goes to work on Shadowstrike * Waitstate goes full immersion and links into the shuttle computers Um... I'll mention that to him... but what's with his optics? * Restore looks to Diablo * Waitstate disconnects and sits up And? uh oh. barring evidence from direct physical examination... he's telling the truth Not again * Diablo tries to get up * Restore ponders switching Diablo off for awhile * Archlight allows a slight smile Great, so what do we do with him? I say lock him up. He's a threat no matter who he is. I suggest we leave him in a cell, sir. * Archlight glares at the pair Shadowstrike's statement implicates Blacknife, and leaving Archlight to roam freely is to leave Blacknife the same. unless you all want to end up being slagged I would suggest to leave me on the nearest asteriod where I'd eventually go mad and kill myself oh, I agree. He was taking the shuttle out. But not where he claims. I don't trust him either. * Restore decides switching Diablo of is a good idea Look at me like that again Bot, and I'll remove your optics myself. switch me off, and you'll just give the programming a chance to take full control I'm not about to order you cast out into space either. What if we locked you up in a cell? In other words... lock him up, with apologies to Blacknife Or put you in stasis, the programing would be put into stasis then as well.. * Archlight rolls his optics * Cuffs throws the autobot into a cell and actives the force field up! do that, but first let me get some friends to help out oh dear.. * Cuffs reactives the sounds on Misfit's cell Where's COBALT? You tell me who to contact, and I'll pass the msg to Chameleon. Take a Guess He'll kill her! meanwhile, I'm going to do a full examination of the logs. I'll be in the shuttlebay You've got to find Strike and warn her! He almost accomplished that From what I gather You let me out of here and I'll fix you... * Waitstate exits Shadowstrike is alive. But Cobalt and this one attacker her * Archlight laughs You can try Decepticon and you will fail * Misfit roars in anger. tell him to contact Firestorm and the others * Cuffs turns the sound off on both cells Done. * Archlight chuckles * Admiral-Lilwall exits * Restores puts Diablo into stasis Dumb Neutrals never learn * Waitstate begins his scan neither do dumb Decepticons * Chameleon lands in shuttle bay and immediatly transforms * Dead_Lift returns to his quarters [com] chameleon, report to my quarters. [comm] be there in a sec * Restore works on Shadow * Chameleon arrives at Lil's quarters * Waitstate notes a deleted A/V log, and restores it * Chameleon knocks on the door Enter * Chameleon walks in What do you want to see me about? Chameleon. Diablo has returned from wherever he was taken, modified, and very aggressive. He mentioned something about aliens, and wanted you or Powerplay to contact someone named Firestorm to help out. He's in stasis at the moment, so the programming is on hold. He blew his arm off just before, apparently it got a mind of its own alright, I'll contact Firestorm right away * Admiral-Lilwall heads for the bridge, and enters a short time later through what used to be a door. * Chameleon heads straight for his quarters Heh, I wasn't aware we were having renovations * Waitstate grows angry [Comm] Wait to security [comm] Cuffs here sir. [Comm] As of this moment, BK is under arrest too * Misfit fumes and paces her cell, thinking of hideous ways to kill Archlight when she gets free. [comm] Confirmed sir. Archlight/Blacknife is safely in a cell [Comm] I know, hardly nescesary. But make sure it's on record. [comm] All imprisonments are, sir. [Comm] right, whatever [Comm] out [Comm] Wait to Lil * Admiral-Lilwall here. [Comm] Looks like Blacknife WAS involved afterall. Not directly, but he paid off Cobalt for something, then let him go [comm] well, not to sound uncaring, but at least we can ditch the autobot now * Waitstate heads to the bridge [com] you know, the autobot can be held liable. seeing how bk IS part of him, in control or not. Prime would love to hear about this. * Waitstate enters but then again, that could be my personal feelings about autobots getting the better of me. darn, eh? At the moment I think I just want them BOTH off my ship suits me fine. accessory to an attempted murder of a ranking officer, at LEAST. * Waitstate fumes and paces around the bridge cool your cylinders, it's bad enough we've got a hole in the wall. we don't need another one in the floor * Waitstate is thrown off his stride by an unanticipated laugh * Waitstate waves Lil out of his chair and sits down don't make me laugh when I'm pacing. I almost tripped! Session Close: Sun Sep 05 17:28:19 1999