* Skycat changes topic to "-=2002.102=- Time to kickstart the RP! *kick*" * Slipstream snoozes some in a couch on the obs deck * Diablo sits at the back of the bar, and around the corner where no-one near the front can see him * Avalanche is still passed out in his quarters. * Thrashmane marches intently towards his quarters * Waitstate is on the station still with others * Apocrypha is also on the station. * Sunspot is still on the station, too. * Roadkill is with the others on the station, doing... stuff. * Chameleon stands around doing nothing * Sunspot is wandering around the room scanning things just to watch the scanner light up. Well, we've gotten everything we could from the systems that are functioning on these outer levels, but it looks like most of the databanks were wiped. I detected some severed network connections to secondary mainframes down below though... anyone up to it? Sure, why not? They MIGHT have dumped station logs there. If they knew what they were being hit with, they'd be there. But I don't really know what the protocols for that kind of thing were back then. of course, the lower levels is where all the wackiness ensued last time... I remember that, not nice So we just take really big guns and blow stuff up. *grins* I wouldnt suggest going there, considering there are fewer of us this time, and even last time we had enough trouble * Sunspot starts looking concerned. * Thrashmane does as his mommy told him and looks both ways before closing the door behind him I don't think even you would find it enjoyable down there, Roadkill. Heh, okay, I get the message. Well, if the security systems up HERE are offline, maybe the ones down below...? Now, to get to work.. * Slipstream wakes up suddenly and nearly falls off the couch, then curses under her breath. I'd say all those sentrys and sentinels have their own power supply. Power was just as off up here the last time If we want to find a cure, that's our best lead. The network is physically disconnected. I can't get through, period * Splitwit cleans out the barrel of some sort of overly phallic rocket launcher Psst, Roadkill, is this all as scary as it's sounding? *shrugs* That depends on how scary y'think it sounds, heh. Don't worry, Sunny. I'm sure we'll be fine :) * Avalanche wakes up a little bit, groans, and rolls over. Well, are we going to do it, or no? If not, we may as well leave. I don't think there's much else to do, curewise, up here. That decision's up to the grey one here. * Slipstream slowly gets up off the couch, stretches a bit, then wanders out of the obs deck I'm not going alone. but if I can get a team to go... volunteers? I'll go Me too I'm game. *exchanges glances with himself in a mirror* Oh yah, this sucker's clean Sure, why not. Lets all get slagged together! Um, I guess I could probably help somehow... If there's anything down there that might help me, I'll go as well. *laughs* You're cheerful about it, Cham Well, I may as well. Cheerful and optimistic as usual, Cham, heh There's probably some really interesting stuff down there anyway. * Splitwit carefully places the launcher back on its shelf, turns out the lights, and jets looks like we have a team then Lead the way then, oh mighty boss dude. ;) * Avalanche decides to attempt sitting up. * Avalanche finds that doing so only serves to make his hangover worse, but too late now. Oy, what'd I DO last night...? oh yeah, me take point. that makes sense... heh. Cham, I think this is a job for you. An invisible point man makes a certain amount of sense * Slipstream idly heads towards the bridge I suppose it does. Lets get this over and done with. Sooner, the better. go on ahead. we'll trail you 10 meters * Chameleon grabs both meltas, disappears from sight and starts moving* * Slipstream absently wanders onto the bridge.. and runs into the door when it doesn't open for her. "Gah?!" Oh, great. no more bridge access... figures. *rings the doorbell instead* * Admiral-Lilwall opens the bridge door * Avalanche slowly stands up, then falls back against a wall. Ah, heya Lil. *wanders in and finds a wall to lean against* Y'be needing any more bridge staff? * Waitstate follows Cham on the mapped out route after a few seconds and motions the team to follow * Sunspot follows hesitantly. * Cirrus is playing in the Plaza Oooooooooooooo, my head... * Roadkill wanders after Wait and Sunny, glancing around warily * Apocrypha draws her guns and follows. * Dark_Star walk into the Plaza No at the moment, no. Feel free to stay and work anyway though ;) *chuckles* Typical. Anything in particular y'want me t'work on? * Avalanche starts to walk, more or less, in a medbay-wardly direction. same thing you normally did, I suppose Everything seems to be asleep so far.. Good. with any luck, it'll stay that way... okay then. sit around doin' buggerall, hehehe. works for me. *drops down into the chair at the tactical station, then waves hello at Drillmaster* Hello Slipstream, nice to have some company * Chameleon continues to follow the mapped out route* though I worry I may be a bit of a bore. I'm studying everything I can about the design of the ship and the functions of the bridge Heh, not a problem. Gotta admit I ain't exactly the life of the party either. *stifles a yawn* * Avalanche gets to the medbay and looks around. "Hmm, anybody home?" * Waitstate shines his wrist beacons around as he walks Can I help you? *appearing from somewhere* * Chameleon notices the damage done to the place the last time lonac visited Oh, hey there. Ya wouldn't happen to have anything good for a killer of a hangover, would ya? Familiar territory... *shudders* * Sunspot looks around, spooked. Anything you guys DON'T recognize? That would tell us, for example, if anyone had been here? Can't get rid of it completely, but I can reduce the pain by half at least I'm just wondering, how many of these things did we leave functional? I have no idea, wasn't here the last time you guys were. Hold on a second while I get it Anything's good. I know we took out a few of the smaller sentries, but I dont know that we did more than knock back the Guardians I wasn't here before, either. * Welder returns from some other room in medbay with a device * Sunspot sticks close to Roadkill. Here, *activates it* just place this on your forehead for a few mins until it beeps. Take a seat :) Heh, neat. * Avalanche sits down and does as instructed with the device. * Roadkill hovers all protective-like near Sunny How much further have we got to go? * Avalanche waits for the beep, then takes it off. Yeah, that helped a bit. Thanks! * Avalanche stands up. No problem * Avalanche winces. hmm... this door looks like it was forced open. did we do this? Well, half of a lot is still a good bit, but I can see stragith again. Can't say I remember. Been trying to forget about this place for obvious reasons * Avalanche heads for the door. Thanks again, Welder! * Slipstream leans back in her chair and puts her feet up on the console, then gazes vaguely at the ceiling * Avalanche decides to wander over to the bridge to see where everyone went, since the ship seems kinda dead. * Chameleon stops "We want to turn back now" * Splitwit ding-dongs the door the the bridge "Yelooooooo?" Find something Cham? * Sunspot gets scared. A big something blocking the way. I don't really feel like playing with it today. Pull back. Roadkill, wanna check it out? *dingdongdingdongdingdongdingdong* * Admiral-Lilwall opens the bridge door. "yes?" Hiya, mind if I join ya'll? * Sunspot walks backwards away from the big thing. Uh... Sure thing. *readies his flamers and cautiously moves forwards* I do mind, this isn't a social gathering. it's the bridge. Yeah, and? This probably isn't the best time to mention it... But I think there's something moving back the way we came. * Avalanche gets to the bridge and sees Splitwit pestering the poor bridge crew. It's eh, got pretty lights and a nice big ol' window thingy Oh, excellent * Slipstream is lightly snoozing in her bridge chair Told you this wasn't a good idea with such a small group of us here * Avalanche looks in around Splitwit and grins. "Is this guy bothering you?" * Waitstate turns around and flashes his beacons And that means unless you're bridge staff, or have some import reason for being here, you have to leave. Yo, Avy, ya have fun with the drinks? * Sunspot gets caught up trying to decide if she should put her visor down when it's already so dark. Did we leave anyone back on the upper levels? Could it be one of your crew following us? Boy, I tell ya, I never seen someone drink so much at once. Tsk-tsk... Oh yeah. All kinds of fun. And did I wake up with the headache to prove it. I think everyone came with I know your pain, my friend. Not that much, but I know it we're all here I don't see anything. Are you sure? Eh, nothing I didn't go asking for. So, if we're all here... oh, great. Yah, so ah.... ya wanna go get drunk? * Hyperion moves past Avalanche and Splitwit and enters the bridge Oh yeah, sure, he can just waltz on in... *wince* Ooooo, give the last round time to die. I dunno. Maybe it was nothing. Aw, that's no fun. So, anyone got any ideas? Or maybe they stopped. I suggest we try to press forward yeah, leave before we get slagged We find whatever it is we're looking for asap, I'd say. How old are you Splitwit? ASAP was always my timetable *over his shoulder* Counting my past lives? Well, where are we headed, exactly? Are we close? Hyperion, Avalanche, do you need something? I was just curious as to where everybody got off to. The place is kinda dead. And I was sorta wondering if Sunspot was up here. If she heard about my exploits she'd probably get worried, heh... Just came to let you know that Diablo and myself have returned * Splitwit saunters over to Slipstream, and knocks on her head "Hey there, Slippy, been a while!" Well, obviously, I guess. our destination is about 200 meters ahead and one level down. the nearest junction is through there *motions to the doorway* What if we send a group forward to intercept the whatever-it-is up ahead, and another group to the door? * Slipstream wakes up with a startled yelp and barely keeps herself from drawing her weapons on Split. Geez, don't DO that to me, Splitty... you've never met one of those things, have you? *big ol' toothy smile* Well, no. What do they have, exactly? Anyone can feel free to move on ahead if they want to. I'm gonna be staying right here though I've studied quite a few of them. things that dish out massive amounts of gruesome damage, I'm guessing. Enough power to slag all of us, pretty much Old-model Guardians and whatnot. * Hyperion leaves the bridge Are we sure it's a Guardian bot? * Sunspot whimpers. * Slipstream curses under her breath and resettles herself in her chair Well whatever it is looks quite big to me. You want to come up here an take a look for yourself? * Splitwit looks around for a moment, "Where's that lil' spiderbot of yours?" * Avalanche walks up to Split and picks him up by the neck. "Is this guy bothering you, ma'am?" Avalanche, Sunspot is currently on a mission with Waitstate and a few others, they should be back shortly. Eeeeeh *shudders as he's picked up* At least we hope so Oh, okay, good. Heh, not really, 'lanche. Feel free to throw him out if ya feel like it though. *grins evily at Split* Aw c'mon * Waitstate goes on ahead As for Scrabble, well... Don't look up, Split. :) I wonder why they're after us, anyway. We ARE Aut- ...uh. I'm sure Slipstream will have every chance to catch up with you Splitwit. When she's finished here. I'll ah, do as suggested hm, I don't think this is a Guardian. Looks like the level above this one has caved in though... *chuckles* Good boy, Splitty. Now, go get drunk or something, and I'll torment ya later, mkay? Heh, maybe I'd do good as the bouncer for the bridge here! Ya wanna put me down, Avyboy? Perhaps you should be a bouncer at Neutral Ground * Avalanche puts Split down. * Waitstate reconfigures one of his beacons into a laser torch and test-cuts into the metal Well, the thing is...if these are Autobot security systems, they shouldn't be after Autobots. That could work, too. Probably end up dealing with the same rabble. Should they? Danke it's not too thick. we can probably cut through So Miss Slip, what's it like being dead? I've always wanted to ask In a word: boring. With all the drinking on this ship we could us a monitor They've attacked us before, and some of us WERE Autobots Do you still broadcast Autobot IFFs? * Sunspot continues standing around looking spooked. I might... I mean, they hadn't attacked me. Though it could have just been where I was. I can, if I want to. I dunno if Lifeblood fixed that when he took out the combiner bits or not... Not me personally, whether others have, I don't know. * Roadkill activates his Autobot IFF I could, if I felt like doing so * Sunspot decides not to try hers, just in case it did get changed. these things have never come up to the higher levels, we don't know why I don't normally broadcast one. I have Autobot IFF protocols though. Decepticon, too. And Quint, Terran Confed, IRTC... Prob'ly because their weight might cave the floors in Yeah, let's broadcast Quint signatures. /:) *chuckles* It'd definitely be an interesting experiment. I keep my options open, just saying ;) Let's not and say we did? This thing isn't heading TOWARDS us, anyway. Or it'd be here by now. That's good. that works. and yes, that IS good. shall we keep goin' now? So you want me to take a hike and take this guy with me, Admiral, or do you like the company? ;) * Splitwit slowly pets Slip on the head yes. Roadkill, come blast through this? Feel free to keep going *motions for the others to move ahead of him* Yeah, take him down to the bar or something if he wants to socialise If I'm goin' I'm takin' her with me! Sure thing. stand back, people, this is gonna get messy. *grins and moves to what Wait wants blasted, then activates his flamers* C'mon, maybe I'll look around the plaza. not likely, Splitty. I'll be down later, maybe, y'can bug me then, 'kay? * Sunspot puts down her visor. Aw fine, I'll ah... follow ol' Avy here around and make sure he doesn't fall down or somthin' *chuckles* You do that, Splitty. Have fun, 'lanche. :) 'Cause *I'm* the one most in danger of falling down, is that it? looking at ya at the moment, I'd say yes. *grins* * Avalanche leaves the bridge and heads plaza-ward. * Splitwit draws his finger up along Slips face once before follwoing Avy out the door anyone got a liquid nitrogen canister? * Slipstream blinks. "Uh...huh. Remind me to kill him later." as it so happens, I do * Roadkill is busy melting through the wall or door or whatever * Splashback takes a torpedo from subspace * Avalanche waits 'till he's out of range of the bridge, then turns to Split, grinning. "Now, she's only been back maybe a day and I can already tell you you're gonna get your rear handed to ya like that." * Splashback quickly dismantles the torp and removes a the payload of liq nitro Aw trust me, bucko, I've known the old girl long enough to know when to quit. This help? If you say so... What, they didn't teach you the limits of a womans temper back in Military School? *pauses and looks back at Splash* Yeah, it should. chuck it here and we'll see how much of a mess we can make Heck, they didn't to me either. * Splashback tosses it to Roakill Hmpf. I just know there are some limits best left untested. Whatever you say, Mr. Horrible-Hangover. My own limits are made to be tested. ;) That's the worst pick-up line I've ever heard Excellent Splashback. That should finish the job nicely * Roadkill catches it and uses it against the wall. boom. * Avalanche gets to the plaza and looks around. I remember when that hteater wasn't there, I sure do * Waitstate watches the molten metal harden into cold, hard, slag Heh, now don't go competing with memories. I hear this ol' Earth-flick, somthing-Man, is playing. There we go. *kicks in the cold hard brittle slag* Ready-made entrance! I don't think my head's up for theatrics just yet... * Waitstate shines his wrist beacon through the new hole We could go bother one of the two girls no one ever goes to bother, ja? looks clear * Roadkill steps through the hole and looks around C'mon, let's keep movin'. Clear? Yeah. I don't like this standing around. * Waitstate follows RK Onwards and upwards! ...relatively speaking. onwards and onwards? hehe Heh, and who are they? And will they hurt us a lot for bothering them? Downwards, more accurately * Sunspot follows, going back to the old strategy of hanging close to Roadkill. * Waitstate points to a badly damaged left tube, the doors hanging off and the tram nowhere in sight Onwards and downwards it is then! * Chameleon follows the others *spots the tube* ...and that looks -real- safe, heh. Obivously couldn't have enough luck to have a tram here. We wouldn't get to use our legs as much when we need to run away from something that will probably start shooting at us *chuckles* always optimistic... *moves towards the tube and carefully looks down it* would you really trust a tram to work in here? Well, it isn't that far to the bottom. hey, it's us ;P ...good point. Restore's right. With no tram around, the chances are it probably WOULD work look, there's a ladder. those of us who can't fly can use it. I can carry Sunspot or Restore though It's okay, I can climb. * Cirrus runs around with his arms stretched out, passing near Avy and Split Restore? It's only a floor down to the bottom anyway. *takes another look down the tube, then casually steps forward and drops down it.* .... The hell? Hey, lil' guy! I'm all yours, my charming grey knight. *climbs onto Wait's back* *as he circles near them* Hiya Avy! * Sunspot climbs carefully down the ladder. So what're you doing down here? * Roadkill lands with a thunk. "See? No worries." * Apocrypha climbs down after Sunspot. heh, my lady :) Playin' Whatcha playin'? * Chameleon jumps down * Splashback and Hitch climb down * Roadkill helps Sunny and Apocrypha off the ladder * Cirrus stops for a moment * Diablo leaves the bar * Aries also climbs down * Splitwit watches Cirrus "Airplane, perhaps?" I'm an airplane! *stretches arms back out and goes back to circling, now making wooshing sounds* Kid's acts younger than anyone else here. Nice kid though * Avalanche stares after Cirrus for a moment, then bursts into laughter. He's an airplane, get it? With the wings and the wooshing and the ahoy... * Waitstate goes last, hovering down the tube * Roadkill gets out of the tube and looks around the new room He's such a cute little thing, isn't he? Yeah, but I'm cuter. Oh, are you, now? *dryly* well, this is interesting. It's the truth. What is? Uh oh... * Apocrypha steps up. What is it? I dunno if I like "interesting" down here... Are you sure you're not drunk already? Or are you just perma-drunk? * Cirrus circles around and then stops in front of the two So whatcha dooin? I'm not drunk, yep We haven't been this deep before, hope there isn't anything bigger than guardians the further we go We don't know yet. I'm trying not to make any sudden moves or loud noises, personally. well, we better get moving *sets Restore down* how come? Heh, don't worry Sunny. it ain't a dangerous kinda interesting. at least not yet. I'm followin' the big guy arond 'Cause he's got a hangover Okay, good... * Avalanche elbows Split. Feh Just a bit of a headache, nothing you need to worry about. Ohhh... *whispers* I'll be quiet then... * Roadkill wanders around the room, looking at whatever's there * Waitstate checks his map, then proceeds into the corridor * Sunspot follows. * Roadkill wanders after * Suddenly, the lights on this level all begin to snap on ..uh oh. That can't be too good... I was thinking of looking for some nice, quiet fun. A'course, I'm already hanging out with a loud noise waiting to happen, so I must not be trying too hard... * Sunspot whimpers. * Cirrus giggles I wish we sold models * Roadkill readies his flamers again Now, I'me guessing this is where the fun happens The nude kind? *mutters under his breath* Man, wish I hadn't used so much fuel taking out that wall... Nah. * Sunspot does the visor-down, hands-in bit. The kind ya put together, get frustrated with the welding, and throw out an airlock Watch for autoguns Oh, no. * Waitstate reconfigures both his wrist emitters to laser mode Now why would you want something like that? *glances at Apocrypha* What is it? Nothing in particular. You don't think the situation warrants an "oh, no"? She has a point * Chameleon lets a spiderbot loose and watches it run around* "Lets see if anything attacks it before we go anywhere" to be perfectly frank, just 'cause the lights have come on doesn't necessarily mean we're about to be all gruesomely mangled, ya know. just thought I'd point that out. :) * Slipstream falls asleep on the bridge again At least it means we can see anything that's about to gruesomely mangle us... It also means that it can see US to do gruesome manglings. * Admiral-Lilwall gets up and taps Slip on the head Before, we could at least hope the light levels were outside its visual range. I dunno, usually creepy things that live in dark places can see... * Slipstream jumps, startled Perhaps you should go home and lock the door for a few hours? Run little spiderbot, get yourself attacked by something so we can leave gah. No, no, I'm fine. How much further is it? *checks* 120 meters Are you sure? If we have to shoot things, I'd rather not have your nose do it *blinks* what's my nose got t'do with it? On the chance that you'll fall asleep on the console * Diablo goes to the obs deck at the bottom of the ship, transforms to dragon mode and sits on the floor Ah, heh. *looks sheepish for a moment* * Slipstream rubs the back of her head with one hand. "really though, I'll be fine now." So I guess you get some time off with us being docked, huh, Cirrus? * Admiral-Lilwall gives an unconvinced look before sitting back in his seat * Slipstream sits back up in her chair and takes out a half-finished demosphere to fiddle with Yeah. I was bored. They told me to leave. I didn't have the music up THAT loud... Aw, poor lil' guy. So you decided to come down here and play airplane? * Splitwit glances at the Neutral Ground Yeah. I like the little park! * Waitstate watches the spiderbot return Heh, looks like there's nothing there that feels like inflicting violence on anything. I...guess it can't be too bad down there... At least, not on spiderbots. Maybe it's too smart to fall for that. Oooo, I like little parks. Heh, if a spiderbot can't induce something to violence, nothing can. Trust me. *chuckles* * Waitstate snickers I suppose this is where we start moving again? * Roadkill starts down the corridor I'd say yes. Come on, it's not too far *over his shoulder* Yup. Let's get this over and done with, this place is getting boring. * Sunspot follows. * Chameleon retrieves the spiderbot then follows the others * Apocrypha goes. * Waitstate gets to the end of the corridor Well lookie here. A totally undamaged security door... Oh wow. Must be a trap. Until something bursts through it, anyway Eek. Tch, you guys are all so paranoid. I agree! I'll get it open. Let's just open it! ...if we have to. I prefer the term, 'realist', myself :) It's hard not to be paranoid when you're little. * Waitstate dims his optics a moment Good, there's an active computer terminal here Well, Splitwit, I take it being this close to the bar and not actually going in must be a horrible torment, huh? ;) Ah, I take it that's a good thing To a point.... * Waitstate concentrates and overrides the secure lock in moments it means we dont have to break it down *opens the door* Heh, that's good indeed. *looks into the room beyond the door, then wanders on in* Ladies and gents, I present the computer core That wasn't so bad. * Sunspot continues following hesitantly. nothing in here but dust. If by that you mean nothing's killed us yet... Unless I missed the chapter about computer cores that turn into Titanium-class destruction drones and obliterate intruders. * Format ejects from Waitstate, transforms to snake mode, races over to the computer, tfs to disk mode and plugs in, then starts downloading everything inside it Bloody exciting *sarcasticly* You could go on if you want. Far be it from me to deprive an alocholic. Oh no, don't worry.... this predates the Titanium class... * Splitwit taps his foot I was kidding. /:) Anyway, it's an Autobot station. eh? oh, right Cirrus, poor Split here's gonna break down crying if I don't take him to the bar.So maybe I should just leave you to your flying. *grins* way to increase the paranoia levels, Apocy. ;) Awww... No no no I'm fine Hey, it's not my fault this bunch can't detect sarcasm. Um, but sorry. Heh, don't worry 'bout it :) So Wait, this thing got what we need? Heh, I was lost in thought. Admiring the equipment Aw, now look, it's gonna break his little heart if we go, Split. /:) If any place here does, yes Poor lil' guy * Apocrypha figures the room is as secure as it's going to get and does some exploring. * Slipstream finishes her demosphere and idly starts tossing it from hand to hand How 'bout some enerSmoothies instead! :D I've got a bag of Snackie-Bytes somewhere around here Heh, I'd be up for it. * Splitwit pops open a pocket on his hip, pulls out a bag of Snackie-Bytes[tm] and starts munchin' away * Format transmits the data load to Bit before ejecting and returning to snake mode Got everything? * Sunspot stands around nerviously by Roadkill, still not fully convinced of the safety of the room. Goodie! *grabs Avy's hand and starts toward Terra's* Good job Format * Splitwit follows Avy and Cirrus, munching away I think so Now we head back Yay Good. So let's get goin' then, aye? *starts out of the computer core room* * Cirrus pulls Avy into the Quick Bite and runs up to the counter All right, all right, almost ready. Sheesh, you deuce are acting like you're on a date or somthin'. Can I get a copy of that data when we get back? It'll take my portable system here forever to get a copy now. Well hi there boys. What can I get ya? Of course Well, Cirrus, what do you recommend? The Double Dark! It's the best :) Okay, then, that's what I'll have. * Waitstate leads the group out and heads down the corridor I'll have a um.... Double Tall non-Fat Mocha Latte, supreme. Two Double D's then? Oh, java too. Um... I don't think I have that Aw * Sunspot gladly follows Wait. I'll just have some Onion rings then * Roadkill follows Wait and the others out I'm afraid you've got me again, dear... ... Okay. I'll have an "Energon-Ring" I think I can swing that one :) Bout time * Terrafirma gets out the two Double D's and passes them over I'm afraid your ring will be a minute. Special order and all Well, that didn't end up being too bad, anyway. * Waitstate gets to the end of the corridor * Avalanche takes his and looks for a seat. now, onwards and upwards! heh. Either the Autobot signatures kept them away, or they're all deactivated, or they just weren't around here in their patrol circuits right now, or whatever. Still plenty of time for something bad to happen ok, how are we going to handle the getting back up? Again, I can fly the smaller bots up * Cirrus sits too I'm sure we can reach the ladder with a boost. There is always the chance something worse took them out, and has been lurking around waiting for us to let our guards down. Not a problem, ladies. *lifts Apocrypha up to the ladder* Thank you. Ok, so, who's riding the Waitstate Express? Anyone? * Apocrypha climbs. * Restore continues to scan the all around area while the first couple of bots starts to climb the ladder * Chameleon flies up I'll probably need help getting back up... *lifts Sunspot up to the ladder as well* There ya go, Sunny one. :) Thanks! * Sunspot climbs. No worries. * Format and Restore climb onto Wait Anyone else need a lift up? * Waitstate rockets up past the others on the opposite side of the transport tube No thanks *climbs* I'm good. Me too, Fair enough, after y'all then :) * Waitstate sets down outside the tube in the collapsed room * Roadkill waits for everyone else to ascend the tube, then climbs up himself * Sunspot gets to the top and looks around. This stuff is pretty good, Cirrus. * Splitwit waits for his damned rings anything else we need from this junkyard? A pleasant farewell. * Cirrus nods happily and sips his I'm ready to go when everybody else is... * Hitchhike gets to the top, with Roadkill right behind her* * Terrafirma emerges from the back room carrying a platter, then sets it down in front of Split. A ring of delicately woven energon strands lays atop it, dusted with solid fuel additive Oooooh Hey, that's pretty neat. That's -fancy-! Thanks! I hope this is close to what you wanted does it have to be a -pleasant- farewell? ;) * Splitwit tips extra My standards are pretty low right now. So let's go then works for me. * Splitwit munches delicately * combat sentinels greet the group with weapons fire as they come around a corner So do you think what we found is going be enough to make Lifeblood better, Waitstate? SLAG! *tucks and rolls* Eek! * Sunspot hits the floor. crap. *dives out of the way* * Waitstate pulls out of the roll with his sabre out and activated * Chameleon returns fire * Restore is struck and sent flying into Hitchhike's leg * Hitchhike and Splashback open fire * Transparent blast panels slam down ahead of and behind the rear half of the group, including Roadkill. I don't suppose that map of yours can find out another route to the shuttle? * Sunspot repeats the whole visor-down, flamthrowers-out sequence. This...isn't good... * Waitstate is in the front half, and rakes the sentinals with pulsed laser fire * Apocrypha bangs on the forward panel. Hey! Can you hear us out there? * Sunspot rolls toward the wall and tries to think of a good strategy involving sentinels and flamethrowers. * Hitchhike moves Restore to cover while keeping fire on teh sentinels* Restore's out! * Waitstate fires another salvo of cover fire and runs into the swarm of sentinals, intent on bashing them to pieces with his sabre Uh, I don't think I know the LONAC channel. And vocalization doesn't seem to get through. * Sunspot runs foward, keeping low, and climbs up the back of the forward sentinel. Damnit! *glares at the blast panels* There's gotta be another way around 'em... Can you knock these down? *to wait* The rest of the group seems cut off, now what? * Apocrypha looses a burst at the panel, then dives out of the way of the madly richocheting bullets. I guess this where I disappear and reappear elsewhere to try and lure these sentinels away? I can give it a try. *ducks the ricochettes* *falling back* We deal with these, then see what we can do with those bulkheads! * Sunspot pulls a big panel off the back of the sentinel and burns out some wiring, making the thing buck wildly. I'll help you Roadkill * Roadkill transforms to truck mode and revs his engines Eeeeeee, bad idea! * Aries transforms and readies himself to charge * Sunspot gets thrown into a wall. Ooooooo... Outta the way, people! *guns his engines and rams into the blast panel* * Aries charges as well * Waitstate aims a tactical laser strike at Sunny's sentinal * Apocrypha dodges rebounding LONACers. * Roadkill rebounds. "...ouch. what the hell do they make those things out of?" * Sunspot gets slowly to her feet again, then dodges as the sentinel falls against the wall. * Chameleon vanishes from sight, makes his way behind the sentinels then reappears, firing at their backs At least they seem to be doing relatively well out there. * Hitchhike and Splashback continue to fire Maybe we can just sit this...do you hear something? apart from the ringing in my head from running into a solid wall? It better not be guardians, or we're slag * A floor vent starts disgorging acid. I don't know how much help I'm gonna be, Wait! You know of any heat-sensitive spots on these things offhand? * Aries transforms * Waitstate watches half the sentinals swivel around to face Cham ...oh great. I'd rather guardians! Sorry Sunspot, haven't had time to scan! I'm trying to think if I'm carrying ammo that might work better on these walls. I'm guessing acid's probably not a top choice, huh? * Format attempts to penetrate teh panels with his fangs, but fails Well, it wasn't that bad a trick... nope, not really. * Chameleon moves backwards while still firing in an attempt to lure them away * Roadkill activates a flamer and melts a few handholds in the wall as high as he can reach Just aim for their heads! * Apocrypha hugs a wall. Sunny, can you get that disabled bot over here? * Sunspot runs forward at another sentinel, letting a couple rounds of laser fire bounce off her heat-resistant armor. Here, I'll make you another one! Anyone want to try escaping through that grating? /:) somehow I doubt I'd fit. * Sunspot runs up the back of the next closest one and tears a chunk of armor off its head, filling the compartment with flames. can give anyone who wants to try a boost to it though. Apocrypha? you game? Format can fit, maybe he can find somethign that could help? * Format looks most eager * Sunspot holds tight as the sentinel starts moving erratically, then jumps off as it falls. * Roadkill tries to avoid the acid pooling on the floor * Hitchhike gives Sunspot cover fire, while Splashback provides it for Waitstate * Waitstate makes his way to the damaged Sentinal I'm not a hundred percent sure I'D fit, even. Jak might. But what good will one of us escaping do? You could find something to shut this stuff down for starters better than NONE of us escaping, neh? there's that too * Waitstate examines the bot quickly Maaaaybe. Hey, isn't all the station info we have on, uh, the snake there? That's true. Hey Format, ye know how to shut off the acid and open the blast panels? damn, looks like the command processor is fried. Plan B ...you know, we're rapidly running out of floor. * Format slides up the wall and into the vent deciding he'll try to find something anyway* Oops. Sorry! * Apocrypha balances on one foot. * Waitstate finds an exposed lead and hooks a wire into it I was hoping to override the whole lot of them, but this will have to due If any of you others know of a way to knock these things out, now would be a good time to do it. *barely dodges several shots EVERYONE DOWN! Here, I made some handholds in the wall before... *hoists Apocrypha up to them* they should keep ya outta the acid for a while at least, if y'can maintain your grip, anyway. * Sunspot ducks. * Format finds a way back to the computer core and insert into it again, reprogramming it * Chameleon does as told Well, I've got a strong incentive, thanks. What about you? * Hitchhike covers Restore, Splashback gets down * Waitstate activates the drone's armaments and lets them loose at the remaining sentinals Don't worry 'bout me, I'll manage. * Roadkill hoists Aries up to the handholds as well such a wonderful day to be disolved, don't you think? It could be worse. No, I'm lying. Never mind. * acid suddenly drains and the blast doors open * Waitstate watches the pretty flames as the controlled drone blows away the others Woo! ...whew. that was close... Yikes! * Apocrypha ducks Wait's crazy drone-fire. um, eek. * Format returns from the computer core a breif bit later looking rather panicked * Chameleon returns to where the others are Good work, Format. * Sunspot dodges a couple falling drones. Yeah. That was a lifesaver. *messaged to all* sentinels powered down, guardians online and approaching. recommend leave. * The drone runs out of ammo and stops firing ... leaving would be good. *transforms to truck mode* Eek... Slag, MOVE people! *to Roadkill* Uh, is he a normal Cybertron, or a pet, or an AI, or what? I don't want to insult him or anything. anyone who needs a ride, hop on! * Sunspot goes to hovercar mode and tears down the hallway. ...Guardians? * Apocrypha transforms and peels out. * Splashback grabs Restore and jumps onto the now transformed Hitchhike * Waitstate grabs Format * Chameleon runs * Waitstate feels a deep rumbing in the deckplates it just wouldn't be a proper visit without the ol sentinels and guardians, would it? heh. I sense a great disturbance in the floor. Gogogo! * Roadkill floors it, following Wait and the others out * Sunspot goes! * Apocrypha keeps up. * Waitstate exits, max speed All we need now is a giant eye to drive out of! * Apocrypha leaves. * Roadkill and the others finally reach the exit * Waitstate emerges into the station's docking bay * Hitchhike and co eventually get back to the shuttle and gladly climb in, readying it for launch * Restore wakes up ...aw, no. My ship! * Chameleon jumps out an airlock and tfs * Waitstate brakes hard, then keys open the bay doors uh, what happened? where's the sentinels? Do we have time to get it? If it's close, don't see why not. * Sunspot transforms in midair and jumps on the ship. sentinels are taking a nap, and guardians are gunning for us Just HURRY! Okay, I'll meet you at your ship. The big one. Be right back. Bye. * Apocrypha takes off. * Waitstate drives out of the docking bay and TFs to flight mode [comm] We are never returning to this place. Never. Never ever again. Clear about that? * Roadkill reaches the shuttle and gets on board * Splitwit hums and haws I won't argue. [comm] Crystal [comm] no argument from me there * Aries gets onto the shuttle * Chameleon flies back towards the Freedom * Roadkill takes the pilot's seat in the shuttle "Everyone on board who needs to be on board?" So is it good, Split? You're damned right it's good Want some? I'd just like to point out that I now second Lilwall's suggestion that we blow that station up, screw science. It's been nothing but trouble since we found it Next time. Gotta watch my figure. ;) * Terrafirma grins across the room, unobtrusively watching the group You're almost twice my size already, dude. See? * Splitwit chuckles * Apocrypha gets to her personal shuttle and launches. * Roadkill flies the shuttle away from the station and towards the Freedom If anyone's gonna be watching your figure it's gonna be Sunspot and I third the motion to blow the unholy hell outta that station. * Waitstate sees a Guardian robot tear through the docking bay rear bulkhead, grabbing for the shuttle as it lifts off Heh, doesn't she have someone to be watching the figure of? Yeah, but have you noticed she hasn't been hanging around him lately? [comm] Watch out Shuttle! * Avalanche shrugs. Maybe he's, um, busy. To tell ya the truth Thrash's been really.. creepy lately whoa, holy crap! *manages to swerve the shuttle out of the way and guns the engines to get it out of the guardian bot's range* * Admiral-Lilwall blasts the guardian from the Freedom, then opens the bay doors Really? I guess he was acting a little more...jealous when I arrived. I guess I figured he decided I wasn't threatening. [comm] LONAC, this is Apocrypha. Are we all away? [comm] who said you guys could bring back that party animal? Naw you don't have a chance with 'er. [comm] bay's open, see you soon [comm] thanks, we'll be in soon. Heck, like I'm one to talk. I don't have a chance with no one on this place. [comm] Roger that. Out. * Waitstate heads for the bay doors, satisfied the shuttle is now clear * Roadkill flies the shuttle into the Freedom's hangar bay and lands it * Cirrus sips his smoothie, tuning out the others conversation *to Terra* 'Cept for maybe you, toots? How's about it? * Chameleon enters the bay then tfs back to bot mode * Apocrypha waits for the shuttle to be docked and cleared, then pulls in her own ship. Well, maybe if you'd come out of the bar a little more often... And what makes you think I wouldn't have a chance with lil' Sunny? Always happy to talk with paying customers, hon ;) * Waitstate watches the two shuttles land * Sunspot sighs. Home sweet home. * Roadkill wanders out of the shuttle after shutting it down and heads towards Wait. Well, ya see not only is she already involved with someone--who's admitatdly kinda creepy now--but you'n her are friends, ya dig? * Sunspot steps out of the shuttle happily. * Apocrypha disembarks. * Hitchhike and Splashback exits the shuttle and go their seperate ways I mean, friends-friends, not friends-who-flirt-friends.... yea * Restore heads for medbay to get heself fixed up I think I'm done with that place for a while. So it's that whole don't-wanna-ruin-the-friendship thing? Exactly * Chameleon goes to his quarters to rest * Avalanche shrugs. I think I may concur with my first officer. What do you think the Autobots would do if we slagged this place? I'd agree, though. I don't think of her like that. Hey, there's plenty of cuties in this universe. Uh... * Aries meets up with Waitstate You mean, uh, blew it up? Like that chick Prime's got. You seen her? Real winner. prolly congratulate us. yes, that's about what I had in mind Completely? * Avalanche snickers. A bit...pink. well, no use doing things by halves, aye? I think I'm more of a blue type myself... If the Autobots like the idea of getting rid of something that has only ever brought trouble, they'd probably be nice So? Sunny's a "bit" yellow, and Slips a "bit" black Especially since a Decepticon might have been mucking about with it Well, I mean...I don't really profess to know what High Command would do, but...I mean...why blow it up? Everyone's warned to stay away, they only come if they know what they're getting into. I say let's just vaporise the place already. And it IS of historical interest. So we're all done, Waitstate? easier to apologise than ask for permission anyway, heh. Pink's just not my color. What, yellow is? I agree on the whole historical issue, you know me, Wait. I think we should be rid of it, look at whats it's caused! * Avalanche shrugs. I like red! *goes back to drinking happily* What might happen on the *next* visit? * Splitwit looks at Cirrus for a moment Sure thing, kid. Heh, red's prefectly good, too. Then again, I don't have that good an idea of what I've tended toward in the past... Ya know whats the funniest thing is about Cybertron? It's the little differences. I mean they got the same stuff there we've got way over here, but it's just a /little/ differnt. Really, now? I haven't noticed that much... I'm gonna take off if you guys don't need me for anything else. For once all the damage we did doesn't need fixing. You know hat they call a Ener-Pounder with Fuel? *chuckles* A fact for which I'm sure you're very grateful, aye Sunny one? Oh yeah! ^.^ They call it a Ener-"Royal" with Fuel. What's up with that? They don't call it an Ener-Pounder with Fuel? Naw This place is a hotbed of contagion. I say we go for the ultimate sterilization agreed. so can we blast it already? And a Big-Flaks' a Big-Flak, but they call it "La Big-Flak" I'll see you guys later, then. see ya later, Sunny :) * Sunspot wanders off out of the shuttle bay. * Waitstate heads for the bridge, determined La Big-Flak? * Aries follows * Roadkill follows Wait to the bridge La Big-Flak, yeah. It's crazy I don't like this. * Apocrypha stands around in the docking bay. You have til we arrive on the bridge to convince me not to * Waitstate motions to Apocrypha to follow I dunno, I ain't gone to Cybertron in a while Well, it's just...I mean, there's NOTHING of comparable age in that kind of shape. Not that's not buried under a hundred million years of construction on Cybertron. * Apocrypha follows. This station carries a 'virus' that wiped out trillions, and now thanks to what could be a decepticon, we've got a varient *inside the lift* I'm all for the preservation of history, but that place almost led to the destruction of all life as we know it. Y'know, I barely remember Cybertron... * Sunspot decides to go pay Thrashmane a visit. I'd love to keep it around, I'm a historian as well. But that place is dangerous to more than anyone who visits it... But it's under quarrantine! I mean, it's not like there's a plague of vanishing ships in this area, where people are docking and then being destroyed in there... Quarrantine didn't stop you. Or us, or possibly Doubledealer. * Sunspot gets to Thrashy's room and walks in, leaving the door open behind her. Exactly. who says it'll keep out anyone else? Doubledealer? The 'con we think may have been there before * Sunspot suddenly screams, very loudly. * Recoil, nearby, hears the sudden scream and runs toward it Well, no. But we knew what we were getting into. Did we? besides, people who DON'T know what they're getting into could very well end up dead in there. Sunspot? Is that you? Are you ok? You could technically say it was LONAC's fault for unleashing the waste on the galaxy in the first place. We didn't know what we were doing then, and just because someone NOW thinks they DO, doesn't comfort me in the least... * Sunspot is just inside the doorway kneeling on top of Thrashmane and beating him in the chest while rambling incoherently. I just think the Autobots would have destroyed it if they wanted it gone, is all. And I think it's because they recognize its importance, despite the danger. Sunspot? What are you doing?! Get offa him! * Thrashmane does his best to keep Sunspot undercontrol while getting pummeled on "What the hell's wrong with you?!" * Sunspot looks up and sees Recoil, blinks, and runs over to him. That's NOT HIM! * Sunspot clings to Recoil. O'course it is She's... she's flipped! Thrash, you ok? That's not HIM, it's the one...that one of those Strikers, the one that killed Moonstone... * Sunspot panics. Yes, I'm okay, just a bit scratched on the surface--not to mention my pride. The Autobots didn't seem to have much interest in it until after the Waste. They may be Autobots, but history always has disasters born out of the best intentions That's just silly. He ain't got no wings, t'start with * Thrashmane walks closer, looking concerned Sunspot, what's happened to you? Maybe we could suggest a guard of some kind. Maybe they could KEEP people out... I'd say it's plenty guarded oh, yeah. who'd wanna hang around here for stars knows how long? Guardians and sentinels have't stopped us from three visits now... But...but...it's not him, it's Winter, Recoil, you've gotta help me... He was...was doing stuff, he was talking to them... An Autobot guard. Offstation. Manned. That wouldn't stop a Decepticon warship from taking it if they wanted, Now calm down ma'am. we can check that out, but just calm down. not to mention the 'bots have most all their resources commited to the war effort. * Thrashmane reaches out and slowly touches Sunspot on the shoulder * Sunspot shrieks. * Thrashmane jerks back Well, I can't stop you. Well, I'm with Lil. I say we destroy it, *moves from teh lift and enters the bridge* Thrash, I think maybe y'oughta be elsewhere for a bit. I'll take care of the lady now. * Thrashmane looks at Recoil I think.... I guess you're right * Waitstate follows Aries onto the bridge * Roadkill enters the bridge as well * Thrashmane walks past Sunspot and briefly whipsers somthing to her, before heading off to parts unknown Lil, still got the weapons charged? * Sunspot shudders. Recoil, you've gotta tell Wait, you've gotta help me, don't just let him go! Yes, why? * Slipstream sits up as Wait and the others enter Wait a second... Really? We get to blow stuff up? cool. * Roadkill just grins at Slip Look now, I dunno what happened between you and yer boyfriend there, but ya cant just go beatin' on people like that * Waitstate smirks Yeah, really Wow... You know, I've been waiting for this moment for years... now what will I hope for? But he's...he's not... * Sunspot faints. Aw, slag... *picks up Sunny and heads for Medbay* * Apocrypha waits outside the bridge. * Waitstate checks the database to be absolutely certain we have the station data Good... Lil, max power to the DEM Sweeeeet * Thrashmane stops in the middle of an annonymous hallway and clenches his fist Power at maximum take us to minimum safe distance Damnit... * Aries moves the ship clear Heh, 'can i can i?' hehe, no way, bucko, I'M the one at the tactical station at the moment. *grins* * Splitwit watches the station through one of the many "windows" in the plaza Pretty. [Shipwide comm] Attention all decks. If you'll all look to the front of the ship, you'll be able to see a lovely fireworks display in a few moments. Enjoy! * Diablo watches from the bottom obs deck Y'ear that, Cousin Avi? Come take a look-see Ooo, hey, 'splodey stuff... ooo! You wanna come too, Cirrus? Yeah! :D * all my bots watch, even autumn, who normally wouldn't but seeing how she has few plants these days she can't help but give in to curiosity* * Avalanche goes to watch. * Cirrus goes with notice how like, 80 percent of the crew're pyromaniac? * Roadkill and Slip get a good view from the bridge via the viewscreen Fire! :D * Slipstream presses The Button. Boom! ^_^ * WHOOSH! BOOM! EXPLODE! *raises eyebrow* * Avalanche cheers. [comm to bridge] Remind me not to be around when the Autobots come looking for who destroyed their station. *laughs* [comm] We'll keep that in mind. *Behind Splitwit* I'll give it a ten out of ten. Pft. Autobots. * Cirrus bounces in glee My sentiments exactly. ;) hey! *mock glares* * Tiny tiny rocks fly around in space * Thrashmane walks away from a viewport, wearing a blank expression Oh shush you. watch 'xplody. * Diablo tfs to robot mode and leaves the obs deck Oh, hiya, Diecast. I never thought I'd enjoy watching such a large... weapon... * Avalanche snickers. * to Apocrypha* Uh.. once the artifacts we have from the station are cleared by Restore, you can have them. I suppose it's the least we can do now, Why'd we nuke that rock? Apparently it's where the Waste came from. Nasty place. *frowns* The waste, eh? Delightful * Splitwit laughs "First we let that stuff into the 'verse, next thing we're the great Saviours of it!" Well, that was fun. Can we find something else to blow up now? *grins* Hey, I'm happy. So I'm calling it a night. *exits the bridge* * Waitstate changes topic to "-=2002.102=- RP over! Boom!"