* Diablo is on lower obs deck, not paying anything much attention * Recoil picks up Sunspots inert body, and carries her to medbay "Don't worry little bot, I'll get help." * Waitstate is in medbay talking with Restore So the data Bit sent you from the station's files had no cure info at all? There's barely enough mention of the Waste to sign my name with damn... all that for nothing then * Powerplay sits somewhere in his store playing frogger So unless someone had erased something, we struck out I don't think we have even the first hint of a lead now * Slipstream is lounging around in the bridge What did Bit make of the data from that portable console? * Chameleon walks onto the bridge cos he's probably meant to be doing stuff there* * Lightning follows in after Cham Most of it was garbage. we found a few bits that looked interesting. It actually seems to be a partial match for the data I got from Doubledealer. Bit is working on it as we speak * Recoil bursts in to the main entrance. Doctor! Heya Cham, come t'join the non-existant party, aye? *exits office and moves into main medbay* What happened? It beats having Trihorn follow me everywhere I dunno. I found her beating up on her boyfriend, screaming somethin', then she passed out! * Chameleon spins around in his chair a few times* Bring her over here. Beating who up? * Sunspot moans a bit, but doesn't quite wake up. Y'know, the lionbot. Thrashsomething * Restore scans Sunspot What did he do to deserve that? Ruffle the curtains? Got me. I came in at the middle of it. Thrash said he didn't know * Slipstream leans back in her chair and stares vacantly at the ceiling for a while. Well, I don't detect any damage, she's just passed out She gonna be ok? * Restore revives Sunspot Ooooooooo... * Sunspot looks around a bit, then shudders. What... Nononono, what's going on!? You ok little bot? I've gotta get out of here, it's not SAFE... Why? That's not Thrashmane out there, it's not HIM, something happened and something got him and now he's gone and it's one of those seeker guys... Sure looked like Thrash t'me! But it's NOT! He's one of those Strikers and he's gonna kill all of us and we have to DO something! * Sunspot whimpers. You sure she's ok, Doc? He's gonna come in here and he's gonna kill me and...and... * Sunspot panics. Calm down, I'll call Waitstate Th'only seekers on the Freedom are Lightning and Opal. * Restore moves back to her office "Wait, you better come out here," * Waitstate looks up Right, coming * Sunspot looks around for a nice safe corner to cower in. * Waitstate deactivates his comm and comes out What's going on? Sunspot thinks Thrashmane might be a striker in disguise * Chameleon spins around in his chair again Sunspot? What makes you think that? * Slipstream grins and throws Scrabble at the spinning Cham. "Think quick!" He...I heard him talking, and... Talking? Talking to who? slow down. what happened? * Chameleon catches Scrabble and lets it spin around too* I don't know who... It was just...I was scared, and I panicked... You probably just misheard something. I'm sure everything is fine :) What was he saying? He was talking to...their leader, I think. I think he was talking to Soviet... I remember them all. I know all their names now... Maybe we should take this a little more seriously, Wait. It wouldn't be the first time something like this happened... Artifice... you have a good point. We should call Thrashmane in for examination. Granted, that didn't help us much with Artifice, but I doubt the Strikers have the Cult's resources No need no? If you recall, I scanned everyone for a 'routine checkup' last week * Restore moves over to the main console and pulls up thrashmane's file true. It'll be ok Sunspot But...it's not...Waitstate, don't let him get me... * Sunspot whimpers... It'll be...it's just like before... I'm not seeing anything too out of the ordinary here, but then again, I didn't with Artifice either. * Chameleon chucks Scrabble back at Slip maybe you should do a new scan. Compare it to last week's? A lot has happened recently * Slipstream catches Scrabble and chucks it back at Cham But from strikers? * Sunspot finds a nice spot on the floor to curl up and whimper to herself as everybody else stands around debating. well, nothing I know of, but they'd wanna be secretive to pull something like this off I suggest being discreet as well then. If he IS one of them, calling him in here after Sunspot attacked him would raise suspicion * Chameleon catches the spiderbot then chucks it at the big comfy chair * Scrabble beeps happily and settles into the big comfy chair If someone could scan him during a casual everyday conversation, we might catch him off guard You could claim you were checking for injuries. *looks at Sunspot* Well, maybe Haven't seen Scarab around anywhere recently. Wonder what he's up to. prolly pulling the ship to pieces from the inside out, knowing scarab Possibly * Diecast plays solitare Cripes, this is boring... is the Freedom actually going any where at the moment, or are we just drifting? * Restore gives Wait a scanner "here. would probably be a good idea to use someone who doesn't know about this incident" No idea what we're meant to be doing after messing about on that station Alright. I'll keep an eye out for him so I can do a surreptitious scan In the meantime, I was just talking with Bit. It seems he's cracked that data we found Anything we can use? * Welder enters medbay for his shift and moves straight through to the staff room for a perk up But...but it's not safe... maybe so. it seems that the data on that console must have been Doubledealer's. Bit was able to use it to partially decrypt his database. Apparently, it's the first segment of a map to an "ancient power". A Cybertronian one. Ancient power? Waitstate, be careful... It's both vague and partially damaged. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it does seem to date at least as old as the station we just slagged ah well. at least we got to explodarise that damn station, heh. Y'had fun on it, aye? I don't want anybody else getting hurt... I want my Thrashy back... *whimper* It's ok little bot... Noooo. There is no fun to be had on that station. First time was more than enough. Then again, that time me and Diab werent exactly trusted much, so the second time might have been more fun since I could actually have a bit of free will to do as I wanted to. heh, sounds interesting. d'ya know if we actually got anything of use from that hunk o' rock? The commander's idea of having explosives inserted in your bodies was crude. Yet amusing. *raises a browridge at Lightning* Trust you to find something like that amusing... I dunno, I was too busy looking out for guardians and sentinels to notice whether they found anything. I'm glad you found that amusing, Lightning * Diablo leaves the obs deck and heads towards the bridge * Diablo assumes he doesnt have bridge access, so pushes the button * Slipstream lets Diab into the bridge 'ullo dragondude Hi. Is our leader here somewhere? So, looks like you made it back here in one piece. I dunno where he is, maybe one of the others do? *shrugs* Try the comm or something I'll try later * Diablo leaves the bridge *rolls her optics* I think its good Wait's not here. I think he's pissed about something. * Waitstate walks to Bit's quarters. AKA the computer core. Heh, when is the grey one -not- pissed about something lately? He probably meant Diablo. Oh, I didn't mean Wait. I meant my brother *blinks* brother? * Format, Network and Crevas are with Bit. The first two also analysing data. Crevas is just bored * Waitstate arrives at the core. Yeah.. and Arashi would be out little brother since he was made just a little while after us. We don't usually call each other brothers though Any news, team? heh. for some reason, I find that adorably cute. *chuckles* * Crevas beeps an assortment of noises telling Wait he's bored and needs something to do Go play with Cirrus * Crevas goes to race around in circles in the launch bay what about the rest of you? I'll just assume thats a good thing * Bit is heavily interfaced with the main computer and doesnt even realize Wait is in the room * Network shakes his head at Waitstate. Format is just as immersed as Bit * Firestorm wanders into the plaza We need that last part decrypted, or the whole thing is useless. What are our chances? msg to Wait: 50/50 Wonderful... You guys need me to join in the fun? msg to Wait: these two ARE boring to converse with... Format? Boring? That's a new one. Besides, conversation is a very low priority here I had a nightmare the other night. Ghost was being scary and wanted to hug everyone. ... that IS scary. *shudders* I prefer her lethal So do I msg to Wait: very well then * Network transforms and inserts into the computer to aid Format and Bit* Yes. Lethal is friendly. Huggy is... wrong... * Bitstream changes topic to "-=2002.117=- RP Dead. Emergency RP called for one week from now"