Sherlock's Science Discovery Camp
I designed this site for a local junior high science teacher, who was looking to open up a seasonal science camp for kids. The emphasis was on nature and the outdoors. Unfortunately, the camp idea never fully materialized, but the site itself was essentially completed, though much of the content is of a placeholder nature.
To play up the "nature" theme, I went with a green color scheme and a subtle backdrop of leafy foliage. Some of the promotional material I was given featured a magnifying glass as an element, so I created one to use as a logo of sorts, with a jQuery zoom effect to evoke the idea of using the glass to examine various images that suggest the sort of science activities that may go on at the camp.
One of the more difficult parts to build were the calenders on the Reservations page. The tedium of building them by hand later inspired me to create a dynamically calender generation script.